Busy Busy Busy is all I can say!
Spencer was playing with is Tanka Truck and Cow and Farmer while I was talking to my Mom on the phone earlier this week. Here are some pictures of him getting the Cow and the Farmer in the Tanka!

Spencer had is first Music class on Monday and Bryan was able to come. Here is a picture of us in class.
Spencer was not to sure about all the other kids. He was a little shy. One of the little girls squeeled with delight during the class and Spencer "Lost-it". Crying, and more crying.
Here is a picture of Spencer and Bryan at Costco after the Music class. All that playing tuckered him out, or could it be the soft fuzzy coller on the coat?
Spencer slept the whole 30 minutes while we were in Costco! He never does this! EVER!
We made some Robin Nests for our Family Home Evening Activity this week since Easter is on Sunday! Here they are. They turned out to be quite tasty!
On Thursday Spencer got to go to the library for Story Time. He did much better this time. Sat on my lap during the stories being read. He even tried to color a little afterwards on the coloring page that was passed out.
Thursday he also got to attend the local Gymboree Gym class. My friend Beth and her daughter Aiden go and invited us to come along. Spencer had such a good time. He got to climb the gym stuff. He was not into going through the tunnels (yet), loved the bubble time, and the music time too. He does need to work on his sharing skills. LOL! Everytime someone had a toy he wanted he would scream at them.
It has been quite cold and over cast most of the week. Can't wait tell the sun is out more. These Gray Days are starting to get to me.

Spencer had is first Music class on Monday and Bryan was able to come. Here is a picture of us in class.

Spencer was not to sure about all the other kids. He was a little shy. One of the little girls squeeled with delight during the class and Spencer "Lost-it". Crying, and more crying.
Here is a picture of Spencer and Bryan at Costco after the Music class. All that playing tuckered him out, or could it be the soft fuzzy coller on the coat?

We made some Robin Nests for our Family Home Evening Activity this week since Easter is on Sunday! Here they are. They turned out to be quite tasty!

Thursday he also got to attend the local Gymboree Gym class. My friend Beth and her daughter Aiden go and invited us to come along. Spencer had such a good time. He got to climb the gym stuff. He was not into going through the tunnels (yet), loved the bubble time, and the music time too. He does need to work on his sharing skills. LOL! Everytime someone had a toy he wanted he would scream at them.
It has been quite cold and over cast most of the week. Can't wait tell the sun is out more. These Gray Days are starting to get to me.
2 jittering comments:
So cute! I'm sure Spencer just needs time to adjust to everything going on.
Those are such fun pictures!! HOw fun that you and Beth are hanging out!!
You should post the recipe for the nests... they look so fun!!
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