Just realized that I have tons of pictures that I have not posted from the past few weeks.
Here is a picture of Spencer and Me dieing Easter eggs! He was not allowed near the die! And the reason he is just in his diaper is because he was on his way to take his bath.

Here is a picture of the eggs we died. They turned out pretty cool. It has been several years since I have died Easter Eggs. It was fun and brought back fond memories of dieing Easter Eggs with my good friend Anne back in California.

This is a picture of Spencer at dinner time one evening. He got a hold of the Chicken Noodle soup bowl that I had sitting on the table next to his high chair. I was cleaning dishes and picking things up. Byran was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. When he came out he asked me if I thought it strange how quite Spencer was...and I thought to myself..."Oh, it has been so nice to have some quite" and then realized this could be a bad thing...and I came around the corner into the dining room and found this! I laughted so hard. Even though it was funny - boy what a mess!

Several years back when I was still a teenager and then in my early 20's I was involved with a Service Organization called "The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls". In 1989-1990 I was a Representative to the Wonderful State of North Dakota and got to be a Grand Officer. Our mascot was a Lamb and I got tons and tons of lamb stuff that year. My favorte lamb was a key chain that had a puff-ball lamb on it that played the tune "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" I LOVE this thing.

Or should I say the "Irresistable Ewe"

Our Easter Sunday Photo taken 5 minutes before we had to head out the door to go to Church!

This picture was taken today....right before Spencer and I took our walk. Love the Tulips!
The latus that you see up on the porch is for our stairs . We have cats living under our porch and we are going to see if the latus can keep them out. Bryan is going to work on installing it in the next day or two.

Gymboree Class today!

Crawling through the tunnels!

2 jittering comments:
How fun! I love the picture of him at Gymboree class today. It has such bright fun colors!
Cute pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Love you,
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