I was picking up Spencer's toys when he went down for a nap and I found this doodle pad. I had been showing him how it works, so he must have figured it out all by himself and drew his first picture on it all by himself!
I had to take a picture of it!
Nothing else really interesting to blog about. I have checked out several (10 different) books about "Toddlers" and they have been very eye opening to read. It is helping me to understand what it is like to be a toddler again. LOL

Weather has cooled down. Thankfully! It was in the mid 90's last week and made it difficult to sleep at night. But it is cooler this week and has been raining on and off through out the days. It is nice to have rain and then sun in the same day. Last Friday we had a huge thunder storm come through. I was scared by the thunder and lighting. We didn't end up loosing our power and I was greatful for that because several other people did.

Bryan is still working for STA (Spokane Transit Athority) It is good pay but not so much fun hours. He has been able to come to Church with Spencer and I for the past few weeks. It has been good to have his help, and it is good for him to be around positive people then some of his co-workers.
Well got to go....

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