Got my Shades!

And my Ice Cream!

Bryan and I took a walk this afternoon. It was HOT! We walked to the little store about 5 blocks away and bought some ice cream. Spencer wanted some so badly. We were very surprised that he wanted to eat the ice cream because we have given him tastes in the past (i.e. his first birthday party, and friends birthday parties) and he has never liked the cold stuff before. He enjoyed the ice cream so much that he ripped the cone from Bryan's hands and began feeding himself. He was having such a good time! When we got home I had to strip him down and wash him up and Bryan had to spray down his stroller! But Spencer had fun. We thought he might get really hyper from all the sugar but he didn't really do much. He got tired early and wanted to go to bed.
Report on the Parenting class:
It was very HOT last night and it made it difficult to consintrate during the class, but it was still worth going to. I can't really explain all what the Love and Logic consept is about but it seemed really healthy for the whole family. I gave the instructor my email address and when he as a new class starting up in the fall he is going to email me. I hope that he does.
On a side note....I had a very scary thing happen to me on the way home from the class last night. I was driving down the big hill on the South Hill and both of my windows were open. It was finally starting to cool off...(8:45pm) and all of a sudden a hear something hit the inside of the Van in the back. I listen and then think it must be Spencer's mini mylar Butterfly Ballon. So I don't think anything more...and then I hear a flapping sound. Like bugs wings!!! I was scared. I had no place to pull over and another car was behind me...So I kept driving down the hill, and praying that I hope that what ever it was would not touch my head. I would have screamed and my arms would have gone wild trying to get it off me, and I probably would have crashed the van. Luckly I got home and it never touched me. I quickly got out of the car, and ran to the door, got Bryan and made him come out and check out the Van for this bug...I Opened the side door and Bryan opened the back. The whole time he is laughing thinking it is funny. When all of a sudden I hear the flapping sound and I look inside the Van and something comes flying at me. I screamed and it flew past me an out the door and into the evening sky. The sun had set and it was dusk so I couldn't really see what it was, but it was fast and it was BIG! EWWWW.
All I kept picturing was my friend MaryRuth's blog page talking about the Cock Roaches in Texas and how the night before I dreamed that a Cock-roach jumped on my and I woke up kicking. Bryan was woken up by my kicking in bed.

And my Ice Cream!

Report on the Parenting class:
It was very HOT last night and it made it difficult to consintrate during the class, but it was still worth going to. I can't really explain all what the Love and Logic consept is about but it seemed really healthy for the whole family. I gave the instructor my email address and when he as a new class starting up in the fall he is going to email me. I hope that he does.
On a side note....I had a very scary thing happen to me on the way home from the class last night. I was driving down the big hill on the South Hill and both of my windows were open. It was finally starting to cool off...(8:45pm) and all of a sudden a hear something hit the inside of the Van in the back. I listen and then think it must be Spencer's mini mylar Butterfly Ballon. So I don't think anything more...and then I hear a flapping sound. Like bugs wings!!! I was scared. I had no place to pull over and another car was behind me...So I kept driving down the hill, and praying that I hope that what ever it was would not touch my head. I would have screamed and my arms would have gone wild trying to get it off me, and I probably would have crashed the van. Luckly I got home and it never touched me. I quickly got out of the car, and ran to the door, got Bryan and made him come out and check out the Van for this bug...I Opened the side door and Bryan opened the back. The whole time he is laughing thinking it is funny. When all of a sudden I hear the flapping sound and I look inside the Van and something comes flying at me. I screamed and it flew past me an out the door and into the evening sky. The sun had set and it was dusk so I couldn't really see what it was, but it was fast and it was BIG! EWWWW.
All I kept picturing was my friend MaryRuth's blog page talking about the Cock Roaches in Texas and how the night before I dreamed that a Cock-roach jumped on my and I woke up kicking. Bryan was woken up by my kicking in bed.
2 jittering comments:
Oh my gosh! Those pictures are ADORABLE!!!! All I could think about while looking at those is what a GREAT scrapbook page those would make. I can't wait to see it!
Cute pictures!! Can't wait to see the scrapbook page that will come from them!!
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