Update on Sidney...
I ended up taking her to the emergency Animal Clinic last evening. Very long story.... but it has to do with the peeing that I talked about in my previous blog entries. Let me start at the begining of yesturday....
Yesturday morning my friend Kristy came over at 8:30am with the little girl (keighly) she baby sits and we all headed to my chiropractic appointment. We got home at about 9:45am and waited for my other friend Laura to drop off her little girl (sophia) so that I could watch her while her husband and her went to the Temple for a session. Spencer was not to happy to have sophia a round and made it very clear. This stressed Sidney and while we went out to the park to play Sidney peed all over the couch!!!!!!!!!! UGGGGGG! Luckily when Spencer, Sophia and I got home Kristy and Keighly had headed back home so she didn't see it! Bryan was home and helped me strip the couch and wash every thing. (**** update on couch**** it is so clean! It washed up nicely in the washingmachine! surprise! surprise!) Sidney was placed in the bathroom for the rest of the time Sophia was here. After she left I brought Sidney out but she was very very scared. Later in the eveing, after we had dinner Spencer was walking around and he walked over to Sidney in the dinning room and she peed right on the floor and ran away. I put her back into the bathroom~ thinking...."I am going to have to find a new home for her. This kid is stressing her out." I went to check on her later and she was in the litter box. I praised her and left the room. I went to check on her again about 5 min later and she was in her litter box again. I called the vet but they were already closed and then called the emergency vet. I got her things together to take her to the emergency vet and when I went into the bathroom again she was in the litter box again trying to go pee. Got her to the vet, and they did some tests and she had blood in her urine and possibly some crystals. They prescribed her a pain med and also some antibiotics. She did MUCH better last night. I called her vet this morning to get her in after the antibiotics are done and she was doing good. She has eatten and I have seen her use the litter box normally. We did give her the med this morning (pain med and the antibiotic) and then I gave her a treat of a little more wet food, but I think the meds upset her tummy because she has gotten sick in a few places. Pooooooor thing!!!! I told the vet that I really thought this was a behavioral thing because she does these things in the past. He thought maybe it started as a behavioral thing and then because of the stress could have turned into the infection.
Any way.....that is the update!
I didn't end up being able to go to my monthly book club last night. I totally forgot about it until this morning when I woke up. Sidney was more important at the time.
Also, wanted to praise my husband during this stressful time yesturday. He helped me out with Spencer and took care of Spencer for me while I put all my attention on Sidney. It was a releif not to have to ask him to help, he just stepped up and took care of Spencer. He even has taken Spencer with him this morning (while I am typing this blog) to go get some stuff at Wal-mart and Home Depot. He could tell I needed a break! What a great hubby hu?
Well, got to go....jump in the shower and fold some clothes, and go check on my kitty.
1 jittering comments:
Bryan is a good husband! Hope the kitty is doing better... doesn't convince me that I want a pet though... :)
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