Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Ok, I know it is really the 5th of July but Bryan had to work on Tuesday and it was WAY to HOT to be out during the day. I did get one picture of us all in RED WHITE and BLUE before Bryan headed off to work. Spencer and I end up going to a friends house for a BBQ but we only stayed 2 hours and then we headed home. It was just toooooo HOT!!! I heard the fireworks down town and saw and heard the lighting and thunder from the BIG storm that came through at 10pm last night right after the fire works were over! It was pretty but scary at the same time.

We got up early today (8am) and headed out to Liberty Lake to go hiking and play near the water. I was checking out a friend's blog and they had a great post about Liberty Lake that I thought we should check it out. It was sooooo pretty and we had a great time. We saw tons of butterflies, a snake and a deer.

Check out the pictures!

Starting the hike! Spencer has his pine cone!

Spencer enjoys the ride! "Daddy pushes me really fast! I like it!"

A little snake crosses the path.

A deer at the kid park.

Mommy and Spencer enjoying the beach.

Daddy and Spencer enjoy the water. Spencer likes to get his feet wet.
He wanted to walk right into the water. He has no fear. But Bryan and I sure have the "Fear".

Butterflies on the beach. I think they were drinking the water out of the wet sand.

3 jittering comments:

Heidi said...

WOW!! That looks like so much fun!

The Maddens said...

We love it there. Such a fun place to go for a hike and then cool off and then.... play on the slides. Yeah!! Look like you guys had fun and saw lots of wildlife. Like the picture of the snake and the butterflies.

MaryRuth said...

I love the 4th of July picture of you in red white and blue! So cute.

Looks like you had lots of fun in Liberty Lake!!

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