Have a sick child with a cold. He has had a stuffed up nose since Friday. I have been wiping his nose every 5 minutes it seems. It is gross, but I am trying to do it so that it does not hurt his nose. It has not started to turn red yet, so I think I am doing pretty good so far. Even though he has this cold, he has been sleeping well during the night. He has woken up a few times coughing, but goes right back to sleep. During the day is a total different story. He is cranky and will not take his nap. He normally goes down at 11am tell 1pm but today I finally got him to lay quietly in his crib at 12:45pm and he finally fell alseep around 1:15pm. He woke up at 2pm and went back to sleep and then again at 2:45pm when I finally got him up.
Sorry to ramble on so about this stuff. It is just what is happening in my life right now. I am just so greatful that he has not gotten an ear infection because he has the tubes in his ears! I am SOOOOO Glad. Last year that was the worst. Ear Infections are no fun with babies or toddlers! Even though he has this cold and runny nose he still can lay down. Drinking is a totally different story. I am so glad that we have noses....because if we didn't it would be really hard to drink every single day. We need noses to help us. Hey....I thought they were just good for smelling the roses!
It has gotten colder! I have been chilly even in our house. We are getting the oil tanks filled tomorrow so we will have heat again! Yea! I can't believe it is already October! The leaves on the maple tree out front are dropping and turning colors....even the walnut tree out back has started to drop some of its leaves too. Bryan will have some fun racking to do. I think we should get Spencer out there to give him a hand. I think it could be fun and a great opportunity for some cute pictures!
5 more days tell my mom comes to visit us! I am so excited! She is coming to visit for a little over a week...and then head up to Alaska to visit her sister and my Aunt. It will be good to see her and Spencer will once again get to see Grandma and not just hear her voice on the phone. He might be a bit confused at first...when he sees her and hears her voice coming out of her mouth and not the telephone. Oh....just a quick thing to add.....speaking of telephones.....Spencer picks up his toy rattle telephone that my mother gave him when he was a baby and will hold it up to his ear and walk around the living room-dining room babbleing into it. It is soooooo funny. I told Bryan about it and then gave Spencer the phone and he did it! Bryan laughted so hard it startled Spencer.
Closing another day....8pm and it is time to spend some couch time with my hubby and CSI:NY! I love dish Network!
Tell next time....enjoy the seasons! Holiday time is coming!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sick child....keeping me busy....wiping noses
jitter bugged by
Uberly Ewe
10/09/2006 07:54:00 PM
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