Saturday, February 10, 2007

Smart Habit Saturday

Ok...I have been a lurker on this blogg The Lazy Organizer for several months as well and I am going to start the Smart Habit Saturday! I am going to do it....I think I can....I think I will be good for me right?!? my new Habit I am going to work on is...Drink more water. I am horrible about drinking enough fluids as it is, so this is going to be a tough one. But I think I have an idea that will help me out.

While I was down in California visiting my Sister before she had her twins she was on bed rest and was told to drink lots of water. She carried her water bottles around with her everywhere. What I noticed that was cool was she wrote the numbers 1 through 6 on the water bottle and when she finished one she would cross off the number, and fill up the bottle again. So I am going to use this technique to see if it will help me. I am going to start off small. Drink two full bottles of water a day for the whole week. Each bottle is 20 oz. so I am getting 40 oz. of water a day...normally it should be 8 oz. of water 8 times a that would be 64 oz. And even though I am not getting that much...and am atleast getting more than I have been which is usually 8 oz. Sad Huh? I sat down and figured it out and that is bascily how much I have been drinking a day. That is scary.

So here I go...putting it in blog world....I am going to work on making it a HABIT for me to drink 2 bottles of water a day for the next week. Check back in a week and see how I did.

7 jittering comments:

An Ordinary Mom said...

Welcome aboard the SMART Habit Saturday bandwagon!

Good luck with drinking water this week. That is a great goal.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Yup - Welcome Aboard!

Water makes such a huge difference. I went years without drinking it, and now I drink about a gallon a day.

One tip - whenever upping your water intake, it takes your kidneys awhile to adjust. In other words, you'll pee like crazy the first few days. Just so you know, it only lasts a few days and then your body regulates. Hang in there!

Lara said...

Thanks for joining us Brenda!

It's not one of my official habits but I have been inspired by everyone else to drink more water too. I think your sister had a great idea with the water bottle.

Have a great week! See you on Saturday!

MaryRuth said...

Great idea!! Will you post a picture of it? I don't quite get the concept of writing on the bottle?

Good luck! Such a great habit to get in to!

Jen said...

Welcome to SMART habit! I hope your week is going well. I keep putting off the water thing. I tried a little bit last week. Instead of writing on the bottle, I went to the dollar store and bought a huge jug to hold all my water for the day (about 64 oz) and then I try to finish it off each day. It worked on the days that I actually filled the bottle and kept it with me, but right now it is in my car and I'm too lazy to go out and get it.

Ok, that was a really long comment. Sorry. Keep us posted on your habits.

Anonymous said...

FYI the amount of water you drink each day should equal 1/2 you weight in onces. In other words if you wat 150lbs you should drink 75 ounces of water a day. Good luck on increasing your water intake

Anonymous said...

Sorry I should edit myself before I post, the 1st sentence should say body weight and the second sentence should say weigh 150 lbs

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