Thursday, October 04, 2007


I am very excited to share something that Bug did today.
I was shocked really.
We have been doing our Learning Poster each morning.
I have doubled up the lessons and do two themes each week to try and get us caught up.
There were several weeks that we didn't do it and I want to get all 26 lessons in before the end of the year so that we can start the next lessons in January.

Anyway....I asked Bug if he wanted to do Flash cards and he said yes.
He wanted to do the Colors and Shapes flash cards.
This was a new batch of Flash Cards that we had never used before.
I pulled them out and before I could turn the card around to show Bug the picture of the Circle shape he said "Circle".
I said, "Yes that was a Circle. How did you know that?" He smiled at me and pointed to the word "CIRCLE" on the card.
I showed him the next card but only the word not the picture.
It was "Triangle" and he said Triangle.
He did this with every shape (square, diamond, oval, rectangle, star) and then he did it for each of the colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, white).

I was so surpised that he recognized the words and was able to read them.
He has learned them by sight...not by sounding them out.
But I had no idea that he could do this. WOW! Amazing!

4 jittering comments:

Renee' P said...

Wow Brenda! That's fantastic. Some kids learn so differently. He sounds really smart! Good job!

Kate said...

Wow! WTG Bug! :)

Jennie said...

that is so great!

good for bug!

Anonymous said...

It just proves that everything you do it worth it. Good for Bug...........Toddlers really are amazing aren;t they!!!

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