Thursday, November 08, 2007


Well after my last post I have done a bit of research on the idea of taking some type of dance lesson....and I kind of have hit a brick wall.

Funny that on Monday I received the Catalog for the Community College. I took a look in the catalog to see if they offered any classes. They did but the times do not work for me. They only offer them on Thursday Evenings....and you must have a partner. Bryan works on Thursday nights...and so I don't have a partner, and at this time....I can't aford getting a baby sitter every I was disappointed....but then.....

I emailed the lady who I knew at Church who had called me several months back about her husband and her wanting to start up a dance club in their basment. They had finished their basement and had a dance floor and all...but when she had called me about it months ago...I told her that I would love to, but Bryan worked on Friday Nights. This was the day she was thinking of havinng lessons and maybe getting several of the couples at church to come too. It just didn't seem like it could ever happen...for me so I let it go...but now....I just can't seem to shake this feeling that I WANT to DANCE!!!

So....I emailed inquire about her offer and what I might need to do to possibly get this started...but I have not heard back from her...and I am yet again disappointed.

Waiting.... I guess I should pick up the phone and call her.

Sitting Waiting....and dancing my dance inside....

4 jittering comments:

Jennie said...

oh... i hope she calls you soon! i am so excited for you to dance!

can't wait to hear!

Andrea said...

Call and find out. Sounds like fun. Way to do what you love!

jennbecc said...

Hopefully you've heard something. What about a class through the community center or college? Any classes that don't need partners?

MaryRuth said...

Good luck!! We took dance lessons last fall and loved them!!

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