Sunday, December 30, 2007


Much has been going on in our house hold. I have been meaning to sit down and write up each of the new things but just have been busy with all the post-holiday stuff.
I will list all the new things that Bug has been doing.
1. As of December 19th, Bug is no longer using a Pacifier. We got down to the last one in the house and that night he bit a whole into it while Bryan was reading books to him for bed. Bug was surprised that it didn't work anymore and was sad, but seemed to be ok dispite the fact that it was now gone. "I want Baba.", he would tell me as I was tucking him into bed, and I said back, "Baba, gone. Broken." He repeated what I said and seemed to understand. He slept well that night, and has only asked for it one time the following day but I once again said, "Baba, gone. Broken."

2. We removed the toddler rail that Bryan installed on the twin bed a few days ago. Bug has done well staying in the bed and not falling out.

3. Have started giving Bug Melatonin to help him sleep better at night. Worked well tell I accidentally left the bottle of chewable Melatonin on the side of the bathtub and Bug dumped them all into the tub water during his bath. I went out to buy more, but the vitamin store was out the brand and style that I had and I got a different brand which Bug HATES! Last night was a hard night, for us all.

4. Bug is officially reading books. Granted it is the ones that we have read to him a billion times...but even with the ones he has never read before, he is able to pick out words that he knows and says them.

5. We also made a book staring Bug about going to the Playground and playing with his friends. I wrote the pages and found clip art to put on the pages. Bug wants me to read it to him several times through out the day and if I am busy I have found him reading it himself.

6. Bryan bought Bug a sled to play in the back yard with and hopefully use at the park near by on the snowy hills. We have yet to be able to take it to the park, but have used it several times in the back yard. Here are a few pictures of Bug in the back yard just today.

5 jittering comments:

Grammy said...

Give Spencer a hug for a perfect Snow Angel!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the snow angel Brenda. I loved to make them as a child, and I love that my boys do too. We're having a great winter break (from 1st grade) with crafts and such. We do indeed need to set up a date for a playdate. Sounds like Bug is way more advanced than my #2 boy. We're still transitioning into a twin bed from the crib.

Kate said...

Sounds (and looks!) like things are progressing along fairly nicely . . . I hope that you can find the "correct" brand of Melatonin for your Bug ASAP!
Happy New Year!

Andrea said...

I love snow pictures. So cute!

Jennie said...

how fun! i love your little snow angel!

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