Saturday, February 16, 2008

2008 Book Club

I went to my monthly Book Club last Tuesday night and got the list of all the books for the year. I thought I would post them here for you all to see so that if you want to read them too you can, or if you have read any of the books you can leave me a comment and let me know if you liked the book or not.

February: Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
March: Oh My Stars - Lorna Landvik *
April: How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie *
May: Eight Cousins - Lousa May Alcott *
June: Twilight - Stephenie Meyer (Already finished this book and got New Moon but have not started it yet)
July: Blink - Malcolm Gladwell *
August: Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
September: The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
October: Life of Pi - Yann Martel *
November: Crunchy Cons - Rod Dreher
December: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - Lisa See

I have checked out the following books with the * today at the library to try and get a head start on reading them. I have seen the movie version of Sense and Sensibility but I am hoping to find this book at the library too to review it. We will see if I will get "The Count of Monte Cristo" read before the baby is born. I do have the movie version of this book and I might just watch it before book club.

Report on the book "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, February's Book.
Book club was great. Susanna was the host and she made the best Heart Shaped sugar cookies with PINK frosting! YUMMMMY. Good to see all my friends, and as usual we didn't start talking about the book tell about an hour or so after everyone arrived. I was not able to get this book to read before the book club, because I am still waiting for the book at the library. I think I am currently in the 20th spot. LOL When the ladies did start talking about the book I realized that I do want to read this book. It is about one woman's spritual journey. I think it will be a good read for me. So I am still on the wait list for the book.

I ended up leaving at 10pm and I guess the rest of the ladies stayed tell about 11pm. I miss staying up with my girl friends and chatting. It was always my highlight of the month. But now that I am pregnant, I just can not stay up late at all. I was surprised that I stayed up tell 10pm. The drive home was kind of tricky, but I kept the window down a bit to keep me cool so that I would not fall asleep. I only lived about 7 minutes away, but I was worried that I would fall a sleep.

2 jittering comments:

Anonymous said...

I read alot,but can't say I have read those. I read alot of Christian love stories about the old days. love reading about the Amish country. Laura Snelling and things like that.
I got out my Easter and Spring stuff today. Will share soon.

Amanda said...

Oooh! I am so jealous! I miss book club! I am glad you posted the books, I haven't read some of them, so I'll have to look them up. Are you moving to Eugene? I lived there before I moved to Spokane . . . so I have info if you need it!

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I will post your comment after I review it. Thanks for taking a moment to leave us a little note.