Friday, May 22, 2009

Flash Back Friday- Memorial Day 2008

These pictures were taken from last years Memorial Day Breakfast/Kid Parade that our church put on last year. We plan on attending again this year. It will be the last event we can participte in before we offically move into our new ward.
Bug had such a great time last year. Hope he has as much fun this year. I am going to bring the wheel barrow for him to ride in for the parade, since he doesn't have a bike to ride in the parade.
*** LOL I can't believe that I wrote Wheel Barrow! I totally ment a WAGON! LOL Nikki, I laughed so hard when I read your post. I have the mental picture of me trying to use that wheel barrow...that would be so funny!!! ***

2 jittering comments:

Latter-day Runner said...

Bug can ride Isabelle's old bike if he wants! But he might not want to ride it because it is very, very, very pink with a basket on the handlebars. I can bring a wagon for him if you'd rather not bring a wheelbarrow, but a wheelbarrow will be quite the stylin' ride!

Latter-day Runner said...

Oh, and it goes without saying, we'll miss you in the ward!

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