Friday, September 24, 2010

*way to busy* UPDATED!!!!

I have had a very busy September.  With Bug starting Kindergarten and my church responsibilites and MOMS club responsibilites I have been one busy BEE! 

I was able to attend the new Sewing Club that my MOMS club is starting up for the group and was able to learn how to sew a cute simple peasant top for Ladybug.  I love how it turned out!  *LOVE IT*.  I have more fabric to make a few more with a little different sleeve lengths.  *CUTE*  And I want to learn how to make pants, skirts, more, more, more.  *giggles*

Here is a picture of the finished top.

I still need to get a picture of her wearing it.  We went to tumbling this morning and she wore it but I forgot to grab my camera.  It looks cute on her!

Here is the link to Little Bean Workshop (my friend Amy's blog). She shows how she made the top and she was the one who taught how to make it.

Also check out these two other blogs for tutorials too.  Amy refers to both of them.  They helped me too a few times.  :)

Prudent Baby and Our Dish

I think I might be hooked on the sewing thing.  *hmmmm*  ;)


Here is a picture of Ladybug wearing her new top I sewed for her.  She loves wearing it!  This picture was taken in September, but she is still requesting to wear the top.  I am layering it with long sleeve tops now.

1 jittering comments:

Andrea said...

Very cute. I admire anyone that can sew! way to go.

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