Saturday, September 20, 2014

Homeschooling week 3

Another week has come and gone.  It has been a lot easier this week than last week.  I pulled back on Math and some of the Grammar and Vocabulary we had planned.  I feel it has really helped with making our days run more smoothly.

Bug is really good with Language Arts in general (reading, grammar, and vocabulary).  His writing is what needs to be improved on. But that is mostly because he does not like to physcially write with a pencil/pen and paper.  With is fine motor issues writing has been a much unliked subject, but I have some tricks up my sleeves to change that.  I have him using a keyboard more and more to type up his creative writing assignments, and that has changed things.  I then have him print up the page he has typed up on the lap top.  He has to cut it out and then glue it into his creative writing journal.   I am making him work on fine motor stuff with the cutting out and the gluing...but he is much more inclined to do it and not complain as much.  *sneaky*

As for the reason for cutting back to only 1 worksheet of math a day, my reason is that there is so many questions (practice opportunities) on one page that I have found myself crossing off questions to do just to get him through the assignment.  When I was first planning out the Math for this year I took the total number of pages and divided it by the number of days for school and that meant we had to do 2-3 pages a day.  At first I thought this was completely feasible, but after getting 3 weeks into this I am back tracking it to 1 page a day.  I am a bit worried that he will continue to be behind with math, but at the same time I need him to see math as something that can be as much fun (or at least somewhat likable) as reading, or science, or art.  This past week, as I predicted Math has gone smoother and with little or no complaints.

We really like to do our lessons in our boxers.  Trust me he does have them on in this picture. We also like to sit backwards on the chair.

For Music we learned about Log Drums.  Here is a short video of him making some music and dancing.

This week we also got to meet up with the Homeschooling group again for GYM/PE.  Another great success!

I have next week planned out.  We have a few field trips planned.  Planetarium, Science with Homeschooling group, and a Scenic Train Ride to see the changing leaves.  Can't wait to let you all know how they went.


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