Updating time....Let me see. What have we been up too?
It seems like the days just run into each other. It seems like it was just Monday and now it is Friday! Where does the days go?
Spencer had is last Tiny Tot Music class on Monday. I don't think I will sign him up again tell next year. He just would sit in my lap most of the class or I had to carry him because he was not walking or when he did begin to walk he is so slow and would get trampled by the older children and their parents. Plus he always seemed like he was in a daze. Staring at the teacher with his mouth open. After the class was over he would "Jabber" in the car to the music and clap his hands but not during the class. So, I think he is just a little to young still, so we will wait awhile and see how he progresses.
Spencer is walking ALL over the PLACE. Mostly at home. He gets shy in front of strangers and in different places other than his home. He seems to really love walking and when he does he laughs and laughs. He is still falling alot, but fewer times now. I have tried to take some pictures of him but they just turn out like a blur because he is so fast.
Spencer went under the parashoot in Gymboree on Thursday for the first time!!! Yes! He usually cries during this activity during the class but he did go under and walked to the other side and then cried for me. He was not attached to my leg! I was so happy for him.
Bryan and I are planing to see X-Men next Wednesday. I am really excited about this movie and I hope that I am not disappointed. It will be good to get out of the house with my hubby. I am looking forward to it. I will let you know what I think of the movie. Bryan is going to choose dinner since last week I chose.
I have taken up a part-time job from home. WOOOw you are probably saying...what can this job be....nothing really exciting. I started watching a friend's 8 Month old baby boy named Dakota. I watch him on Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays for 3 hours each. It is good to have Spencer around other children. And I think he likes the idea that he is the older child. He doesn't like to share his toys witch is normal, but frustrating to me, when I have Dakota crying that he wanted a toy that Spencer grabbed from him. It is very interesting to see Spencer being so strong around another child when he was always the one picked on because he was the youngest or couldn't physically crawl or walk yet. The roles have reversed - so to speak.
We don't have anything planned for Memorial Day weekend. Bryan does have the day off but he is hoping they call him in so that he can make Holiday pay and Day-off Pay. It would be like getting paid for two days and only working for one. We will see. We might do something but it will have to be close to home because we are trying to save $$$$ on GAS! I don't think I need to explain since we all have cars and we all know what gas prices are doing.
The cats have been starved for attention. Pepe' will even let Spencer and now Dakota touch him. He gets hit by baby hands and his tail grabbed by baby hands and he meows but he takes it in stride. He just wants to be touched I guess. I try my best to give both Sidney and Pepe' attention at the end of the day. But I too, sometimes need my space after having a almost 15month old crawling and clinging to me all day.
Oh, look at the recent Scrapbooking pages I have done!
Friday, May 26, 2006
jitter bugged by
Uberly Ewe
5/26/2006 09:59:00 PM
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1 jittering comments:
Great pages and I always love to read about what's going on in your life. Glad that Spencer is enjoying his new mode of transportation!
Love you,
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