Spencer started acting fussy on Sunday and today we have a sick kid! He is not throwing up but he has had a 99-100 degree temp most of the day. And is sooooo tired but refuses to sleep in his crib alone. He just wants to be held all the time. Poor thing.
But I do have a few pictures to share from last week.

and look at the next picture!

This picture was taken last week! How funny is that. He is doing the same pose!!!
Here he is enjoying sliding down the slide! He got soooo excited!

4 jittering comments:
almost a year difference and he has the same pose. Those are cute pictures.
Oh, being sick is awful! I sure hope he gets better soon.
very cute!
that is really cool to see the changes in him over a years time. too cool thathe was even in the same pose!
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