yes he did! Yesturday at 2:40pm he took his very first steps all by himself. He was not holding onto anything. He started at the edge of the couch and Bryan was at the front door getting his shoes on because we were going to walk to the park and Spencer sent straight to him. He took 3 or 4 full steps before he fell. We were both so happy and cheered and cheered!
Today he is walking all over the place with his baby push walker. He goes from the living room to the dinning room into our bedroom and then into his room and back into the living room. He makes a circle. It has become his baby push walker track. He keeps trying to go behind the couch with the thing, but there is not enough room. LOL
Today Spencer and I took the bus to his Gymboree class. We live on the south hill and the class is in the valley. Spencer did soooooooo good! He slept both there and home. Kind of like how he was when we flew down to California for his first birthday. I guess the sounds of the bus hum make him sleepy.
Our Van needed was in the shop to get the air conditioner fixed and the water pump. Plus with gas offically $3.01 a gallon, we are trying to come up with cheeper ways to get around. That is why we took the bus! I think Spencer really enjoyed the adventure today.
I went to my book club on Tuesday night and discussed the book "The Time Travelers Wife." I really enjoyed the book and was eager to discuss it with the other ladies. After we were done talking about the book we started talking about our families and other things...and before I knew it it was 11:30pm!!!!! I did not get home tell 12 mid-night! I was really tired on Wednesday!
Oh....Spencer knows how to go down the slides at the park now! The tiny ones. He sits at the top and rocks forward to make him slelf slide and then he smiles and squeels all the way down! It is soooo cute! He also really enjoys the swing! I have some picutes, but I will have to upload them later....Spencer needs to take his bath and get ready for bed.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Spencer Walked!
jitter bugged by
Uberly Ewe
5/04/2006 07:34:00 PM
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5 jittering comments:
That is so exciting! Walking already. Next thing you know he will be running like crazy, and driving you crazy at that. Ah fun times.
Congrats on the walking!! That's an awesome achievement!! now he's going to be into everything!!
Sounds like taking the bus is a great option with gas prices so high!!
Miss you guys!
P.S. You didn't tell me that you ran into Bethany! I'm so jealous you guys got to see each other!
YIPPEE! How exciting. :)
Love you,
Once they walk you want them to go back to crawling. They get so big so fast.
that is really excellent. I bet he is walking all the time now! I can just imagine how happy you and bryan were when he took that first step!
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