We had a good Memorial Day! Bryan had the day off and I didn't have to baby sit Dakota. It was raining in the morning. We went to the mall to walk around and check out the sales. Spencer had a good time pushing the stoller. He is not a "Happy Camper" being in his stroller lately, because he would rather be walking around. Spencer got to try a Fruit Smoothy for the first time on Monday. We have tried to show Spencer what a staw is for when you drink. He sees us using them but he doesn't seem to understand what we are really doing. But when Bryan gave Spencer his smoothy he sucked and he got some. You should have seen the delight on his face when he got that cold, fruity smoothy in his little mouth! It was priceless. I wish that I had my camera to have taken some pictures.
The weather got better in the afternoon so we walked to the park that is a few blocks from our home and let Spencer go down the slides and swing on the swings. He got to see both Bryan and I swing on the swing too! He seemed to enjoy the company. All I can say is .... it sure has been a long time since I have swung on a swing. I got kind of motion sickness afterwards. Go figure. I use to love swinging, but now I just get sick... even thinking about it.
Tuesday, was a normal day....I think....hold on....let me check my calendar to see what we did this day.... LOL! I am back! LOL! Spencer and I went to pick up my friend Kristi and the little girl she watches. We went to the weekly play group that my Ward plans and spent some time with the other kids as well as the thousands of other kids in the neighborhood. Spencer being a new walker finds it very difficult to get around in the bark playgrounds and the thousands of screaming, running children tend to make him nervous, so he wants to be held most of the time. Afterwards we (my friend Kristi and the kids and I) went back to my home to have lunch and then they came with me to my Chiropractic appointment. After what seemed like an eternity of Screaming from Spencer (because he was VERY tired
and the different people in the car stressing him out) he finally fell asleep and so did the little girl that Kristi watches. Kristi stayed in the car with the kids while I went in for my appointment. I was glad that Kristi was there to watch Spencer for me.
Wednesday.... We met up with my friend Tami at the park with her three girls. Her two older girls love the park so very much. Once again there were tons of children and Spencer was intimitated. He also got cranky by 11am and I had to head home with him to take a nap. I walked to the park and before I got a block from the park he was asleep. Silly.
Thursday.... Had a very long Primary Pres. meeting. almost 2 hours!!!! They go way to long and the kids try to let us know this right away. There are 3 other children at the meeting and Spencer does pretty well with them. But he also would rather play with my pen while I am trying to take notes. He drew all over my arm today! I thought I had the pen closed but I guess not. LOL! After the meeting I was going to head home but Spencer fell asleep again so I just drove to the Valley and picked up some lunch for me and Spencer and ate mine in the van outside of the Gymboree class. Spencer woke up to the smell of French Fries I think and he was soon gobbling them up. He needed the energy for the Gymboree class I guess. He did really good in class today. He is getting more and more relaxed in the room, and often will just wonder off with out me to the toys. But when parashute (spelling?) Time comes he will stay very very close to me! He cries alot during it. He did go under the parashute today but soon realized that he didn't like it as much as he thought he would and cried out to me. But atleast he gave it a try.
I have not had a chance to work on any Scrapbooking stuff. I was hoping to do some tomorrow maybe when Spencer goes down for afternoon nap and before the little 9 month baby boy I watch comes over.
Oh....one last thing. Bryan and I went to see X-Men on Wednesday. It was a good movie! It was great to get out and enjoy a little time together. Shelby watched Spencer and I guess she said that he started laughing when Bryan and I walked out the door and shut it. I thought he would start crying because he was following me to the door but I guess he was ok with Shelby being there to play with along with the mirrors we brought up from the basement storage area. He enjoys looking at his reflection. We also brought up his Big Blue Ball to push around- he loves that thing too.
Ok....that is all for now.
Oh.....and to Jenny and my Mom!-----Rabbit, Rabbit!
Did I get you?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
First part of the week
jitter bugged by
Uberly Ewe
6/01/2006 08:26:00 PM
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2 jittering comments:
Wow! Sounds like you had an event filled week.
dag....and I lamed out yesterday when I talked to both of you on the phone! Sheesh!
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