Well we did it! The Parade of Paws for the Spokane Humane Society!
It turned out to be a bunch of fun!
Bryan was able to go with Spencer and me.
I was glad because the shelter doggie that we got was a "puller".
Her name was Ellsie. She was really cute! I think she was some type of Hound Dog because her ears were so long.
She liked to sniff a lot too! I got pulled for most of the walk,
and Bryan walked her the last 1/4 mile.
We did a total of 2 miles.
Here are a few pictures of the event this morning!
We have registered and are waiting for our Shelter Puppy to go for the Walk.
Other Walkers with their Shelter Puppy's getting aquanted before the walk.
Ellsie and Brenda getting use to each other before the walk.
Spencer meeting Ellsie.
He liked her alot. She was not so sure of Spencer.
There were cars with volunteers driving the route to make sure we were ok on the walk a thon. This one had a guy in the back of the truck with an accordian playing music. Silly.
Bryan walking Ellsie towards the end of the route. She was so cute, when I called her name. She turned to me and looks like she is smiling for the camera!
We got our t-shirt yesturday but I have not had a chance to put it on Spencer yet to take his picture. I will try in the next day or two.
Thanks again for all of those people who pledged us to do the Walk-A-Thon! We all had a great time walking Ellsie and plan on doing it again next year. It looked like it turned out to be a great success. I guess when we were done with our walk there were 300 other people walking dogs still on the route. We showed up at 8:30am to start our walk but it really started at 10am. They let us go out early. I am sure Ellsie will get to go out for another walk again today.
It turned out to be a bunch of fun!
Bryan was able to go with Spencer and me.
I was glad because the shelter doggie that we got was a "puller".
Her name was Ellsie. She was really cute! I think she was some type of Hound Dog because her ears were so long.
She liked to sniff a lot too! I got pulled for most of the walk,
and Bryan walked her the last 1/4 mile.
We did a total of 2 miles.
Here are a few pictures of the event this morning!

He liked her alot. She was not so sure of Spencer.

We got our t-shirt yesturday but I have not had a chance to put it on Spencer yet to take his picture. I will try in the next day or two.
Thanks again for all of those people who pledged us to do the Walk-A-Thon! We all had a great time walking Ellsie and plan on doing it again next year. It looked like it turned out to be a great success. I guess when we were done with our walk there were 300 other people walking dogs still on the route. We showed up at 8:30am to start our walk but it really started at 10am. They let us go out early. I am sure Ellsie will get to go out for another walk again today.
3 jittering comments:
How fun! Good for you!
Yes...I'm sure all those doggies just loved getting out for a nice long walk! Way to go! :)
I am glad you, Spencer and Bryan had fun, It looks like a beautiful day...and rightly so being my birthday! I do like the pic of the dog smiling right at the camera!
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