Spencer and I got to ride the bus today with Bryan. He was doing the route near our home. We got on the bus at 9:30am and were back home by 11am. Spencer did really well while the bus was going. He seemed to enjoy seeing Bryan driving. Towards the end he was eager to get off and walk around. Now that he is knows how to walk that is all that he wants to do. LOL! I need to get one of those kid-leashes. LOL! He will not hold my hand....has a temper tantrum and flops onto the floor. Do you think it might get worse? I sure do.
Here is a picture of Bryan driving the bus!
And here are a few pictures of Spencer over the past week weeks!

Future Dentist?

or just learning aggresive driving techniques from his MOM?

Spencer got his MMR shot on Friday, June 9th at his 15 month appointment, and on Sunday, June 11th he broke out in spots on his chest. I called the after hours nurse and she said that he was probably have a reaction. 5 % of children will. If they didn't go away with in 3 days to call the doctor. They went away but now he has hives!!! If anything touches his skin it will cause his skin to turn bright read and then a white welt will appear. It only lasts for about 5 minutes and then it is gone. When we went to Gymboree yesturday he got to running around and climbing causing his body temp to rise and causing his face to break out in hives. By them time we were 5 minutes on the road they were all gone. It seems to help when he is out in the cold air or a cool bath. I called the doctors office on Wednesday and also again yesturday. They wanted me to bring him in. They could not do anything, but suggest us giving him benedryle. Doesn't seem to be helping. The doctor said that it just needs to run its course! Ugggg! He seems fine, has not slowed him down one bit, but from time to time he looks soooooo bad with the welt appearing. They always appear when we are out in public. What must people be thinking? LOL! I will give it a week and hope that it is done.
Thanks to all of you who made a pledge for Spencer doing the Parade of Paws Walk a Thon at the Spokane Humane Society. He reached his goal and a bit more! He is excited about the getting the T-shirt! We are hoping that the weather will hold out for tomorrow during the event! I will get pictures taken and post them as soon as I can.
Thanks again.
2 jittering comments:
What great pictures from the week. Xander has the same little shirt (the one with the green neck, blue sleeves, and sports symbols on the front. We got ours from Shopko, how bout you?). Anyhow, good luck with the hives.
What great pictures!!!!! Of course I love the hairdresser one! And it looks like he might end up being left handed...?? Do you have the pictures on Shutterfly? If so...SHARE! :)
Love you,
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