Saturday, June 03, 2006

Very Stressful Friday

Friday Spencer and I didn't do so much. I let him take a longer nap in the morning (knowing good well that he was only going to take a 30 minute nap in the after noon and be cranky even though the baby I babysit for was coming over). I had a ton of stuff to do in the morning. Our cat Sidney has begun peeing everywhere! She peed on our bed and Bryan found it when he was getting in bed on Thursday night. He was NOT happy and I seriously thought he was going to kill the cat--- if he caught her. She ran fast! I spent the morning washing bedding and trying to wash pillows. I called a dry cleaners to wash the pillow shams that needed to be dry clean only. As I was picking up around the house I came across a surprise awaiting me in the shoes by the front door. 3 little very dry poops. I am so....grossed out! They look like they have been there for a couple days! Can you believe that!!!!!! Gross, and the worse part is that Spencer likes to play with the shoes! I hope that he didn't play with them before I found them!!!! OHHHHHH! I got that cleaned up and re-made the bed, and got Spencer and myself dressed for the day....and we were off to the Donation Station and the Dry Cleaners. When I came home I found Sidney peed on the blank that I had folded and was laying on the end of the bed. UGGGG! I had just washed it. I grabbed it and threw it down stairs to be washed AGAIN! I put Spencer down for his afternoon nap....Pepe' was a sleep under his crib so I just left him. I went down stairs to start more laundry and when I came up (about 5 min) later, I found another pee spot on myside of the bed!!! Right on top of the comforter that I JUST WASHED! I quickly stripped the bed and nothing else was wet, threw that blanket down stairs too! I knew at this moment that it truly was Sidney doing the peeing, since Pepe' was in Spencer's room.

But this is not the end of my story.....

Bryan came home I told him what was going on. He went to bed, and while I was reading my book in the living room I heard something in the area where we store our shoes and I caught Sidney right in the act of peeing on Bryan's work shoes!!!!!!!! I swated her and she ran. Uggggg! I got Bryan and we decided to change the whole litter in the litter box. He did put a different type of litter in it on Wednesday and I thought maybe this might be a reason she is not using it. Last night both cats spent the night in the bathroom. Pepe' was not happy that he was confined like that....I heard him meowing through out the night and scratching at the door, but I was not going to allow Sidney out of the room because I wanted her to use the litter box. This morning, I am pretty sure she did use it last night...and I am sure that Pepe' did as well. The cats are NOT allowed into our bedroom. I am going to see how Sidney does this weekend, and give the Vet a call on monday to see if she can go in for a check up.

other ramblings!

The little baby that I watch is seriously teething. I have never seen so much drull in my life. He shirt he was wearing was soaked all the way to the bottom. I ended up changing him into one of Spencer's older short onsies. His mom forgot to bring his diaper bag so we had a very interesting 3 hours with no baby food or formula! Spencer really does not like this kid, and is very jealous of any attention that I give to the little guy. Spencer does so much better with children that are atleast a year older then himself. Funny.

ok....I think that is enough.

2 jittering comments:

Heidi said...

What a start to the weekend! There is a reason I don't like cats, and pee is one of them. I suppose that they are cute sometimes, but yuck! I hope the rest of your weekend is better!

jennbecc said...

I second Mom's advise....We've only had the peeing problem with Mayzie when Gerdie learned how to jump on the ottoman. Once we got Mayzie her cat tree and she was able to escape the clutches of Gerdie the peeing stopped. Maybe Sid is stressed about the new baby or maybe she is sick....remember Corona used to get those bladder infections and pee everywhere. Better to be safe than sorry and call the vet. Hope it all stresses down soon.
Love you,

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