Busy busy like little bees! Buzz Buzz as Spencer says.
I still have not had a free moment to take pictures of our back yard and side yard and front yard where the new fence was done. But I can tell you that I LOVE my New fence!!!!
Bryan and I finally made some spagetti sause out of our load of ripe tomatos from our garden! yea! It turned out great and we have tons of sause freezing in our freezer for future spagetti dinners.
I have started to try to do a mini lesson activity with Spencer every day and so far it has worked out pretty well. It is only 30 minutes long (15 min for the lesson, and 15 min for the craft or activity). Last week we learned about Lambs and Sheep so during each Lesson time I had either pictures of puppets of lambs. We also found all his sheep stuffed animals and played with them for some time. I used the Nursery Rhymes "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" and "Mary had a Little Lamb." He really seemed to enjoy the songs. The crafts were interesting. He can't do to much with crafts right now, so I did most of the assembling of the Lamb crafts we did. But it still was fun.
I use the following web site to get my ideas. It is full of stuff. I get overwhelmed sometimes.
I think I have a Halloween costume idea for Spencer this year. I found a brown fuzzy sleeper with out any feet. I was thinking either a monkey or a Lion. I need to find some ideas for things to make for him to wear on his head. Not sure what we will do on Halloween (if anything) but I hope something exciting turns up.
Bryan's work continues to help pay the bills. He just had his quarterly "Mark up" when he can bid for different work. But he is still on the extra board and still has Wednesday and Thursdays off for now. Maybe next quarter he can get set work. We will see. He will have been with STA (Spokane Transit Authority) for 1 full year on October 16th (that is when he went full time).
I will try and get those pictures up soon of the back yard and also some really funny pictures of Spencer from this past week.
Until then, take care everyone!
Even the lurkers!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
busy bees
jitter bugged by
Uberly Ewe
9/13/2006 08:19:00 PM
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