Monday, January 21, 2008


Well, I am offically sick. I had a sore throat coming on last Tuesday but managed to nip that in the bud after I went to the chiropractor and he gave me an adjustment to help my immune system. But by Saturday I was feeling the sore throat returning. Sunday I woke up with a pretty painful throat but drank some warm tea and it helped.

Bryan was able to attend church on Sunday because his hours at work changed and he does not have to go into work tell 11:45am on Sundays. Even though the Ward we are suppose to attend meets at 11am the Bishop has allowed us to attend the Ward that meets at 9am. It was so nice to have Bryan sitting next to me. Bug was an angel. I mean and absolute ANGEL! It was amazing. I remember sitting there looking at him thinking, "What have you done with my kid?" I don't think I have been this relaxed at church in years!

After church I pretty much took it easy the rest of the day since my throat was hurting but not as bad as the morning.
I was thinking..."Wow. I am going to get over this cold quick."

Woke up this morning...with no voice! It has come back over the course of the day, but my throat hurts..and I keep coughing. I sound like I have a frog in my throat and feel like I have one in there too. *pout*
Have been taking my Vit C and drinking fluids, and had chicken noodle soup.

2 jittering comments:

Grammy said...

warm hugs and kisses! Sorry you are sick...hope you are feeling better real soon!

Jennie said...

i hate being sick!

feel better soon!

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