Sunday, February 17, 2008

First Prayer

Conversation with my son last night while putting him to bed.

Tucking him in, putting his blankets on him.

Bug: "I want to say prayer."

Me: "Sure, you can say the prayer. Do you need my help?"

Bug: "No."

Me: "Okay. Lets close our eyes and fold our arms. You start when you are ready."

Short silence. I started thinking that I was going to have to open my eyes and find him smiling at me, and then I would end up saying the prayer anyway. And right when I was going to open my eyes I heard the sweetest sound a Mother ever hears.

Bug: "Dear Heavenly Father.....gibberish....gibbersh.....Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Shelby....gibberish.....Hats (?).......gibberish....Amen".

Me: "I am so proud of you!"

I was beaming inside and was just so proud! I had no idea that he would actually pray! I figured he would be 4 or 5 before he wanted to do this, but I guess I was wrong. We will see what tonight brings. Things like this make me glad that I am his MOMMY.

7 jittering comments:

jennbecc said...

So very sweet. I usually hear gibberish...gibberish.....NO....gibberish...UP...giberish....MaMaMaMa.

Grammy said...

and uh oh...gibberish...gibberish
*sweet* Now...the next time you want to toss him in a moving river *L* remember this...and you will get threw the rough times.

Mikaela said...

That is the sweetest thing ever! I can see wh you would be beaming! WTG!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. Their little hearts are so pure.

Amy said...

that is so sweet! thanks so much for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. We are working w/Dominic at saying prayer for meal times. When he closes his eyes he starts to say gibberish as well. It's a proud moment.

Becky said...

How adorable!! It is SOOO amazing to watch your children learn the Gospel and to love God. You think sometimes that they aren't paying attention- but they are!!! It is moments like these where "aha!" - my children do learn from me!

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