I know I have been in a pretty depressed mode lately, because of the pregnancy (body tired) but possibly the bigger reason for my gloom has been the lack of sunshine we have had this Spring. When it is sunny out I really am in a better mood. Nothing really changes, the dishes and laundry and other house hold duties are still there and still are exhausting to me at times but my adittude about them changes.
I thought sence I have been focusing on the negative a lot lately that I needed to try and see the accomplishments that I have done this week, as well as what the rest of my family has been doing. And I realized that I missed Baby Chaser's Learning for Little Ones activity for the week and thought I would post something in regards to her topic Outdoor Play.
The weather is finally getting a bit warmer and sunnier so I broke out the sprinkler for some outdoor water playing in our back yard today.
My little Bug has some issues with getting his hair wet but he really likes running through the sprinklers that he doesn't seem to mind getting his hair wet this way.
I allowed him to practice turning the faucet on and off to see what happened to the water. He thought that was fun to see it go high or low. He also softly touched the sprinker hose and each time he pushed down the water got higher and then lower. He thought that was fun too.
We also blew bubbles with our large bubble wand. We took turns blowing and then took turns running (me trying to run LOL) around the back yard allowing the wind to blow the bubbles for us. Bug really enjoyed chasing and popping the bubbles. Sorry no pictures of this, kind of hard to take pictures with bubble soap dripping all over the place.
I am also excited about Bug's play equipment moved into some shaddier spots in our back yard. I am hoping that he will play on them more this year because they will be so hot that they almost burn the skin right off your body.
Here is to hoping that the weather brings a bit more sunny days. The hot days don't need to join us, just the sun. :)
2 jittering comments:
I totally forgot about water play outside! Thanks for the reminder!
You have such a pretty smile! Your yard looks nice...and glad to see my fair skinned Spencer is out of the suns harm...and he will be a tad cooler on your hot hot days. Yes ~ warm to the touch is much better than HOT~OUCH~FORGET IT!
I love that sprinkler! Way cool! Glad that he likes to play in it!
Love and Hugs...
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