Saturday, December 20, 2008

First Solid Foods

Lady Bug has been watching us eat for several weeks. It is so funny to watch her looking at us so intently while we eat. Several times I have found her salivating as she is watching us. Because she seemed so eager to give solid foods a try I went a head let her try some apple sauce the other day. She did so great! She is an expert at eating solids and is not even 4 months old yet! CRAZY! I would never have done this with Bug. In fact he was 6 months by the time I introduced solid foods for him. Lady Bug seems so much more advanced with the ability to grab things, and bring them to her mouth, and she keeps most of all the food in her mouth as she eats. Gums the food to death! She is so funny how excited she gets when she sees the spoon coming.

2 jittering comments:

Grammy said...

Look at how Big she is getting! Sure looks different from when I saw her brand new! Very Pretty In Pink!

jennbecc said...

Look at LB! Cute, Cute, CUUUUTTTEEE! I just want to give her a big squeeze! I can't wait to see her in person again.....hopefully sooner than later! Love you!

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