Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swimming fun! Turned scary!!!

Bug and I went to a Pool party with the Moms Club that I am in. I was excited and looking forward to meeting more of the ladies in the group and also allowing Bug to get some much needed exercise. We arrived a little late, but that was ok.

I got Bug into his life jacket since he does not know how to swim. He is not afraid of water at all either. I have taken some of the Mommy and Me Swim classes that the City Rec put on a few summers ago but he does not know how to swim. And for that matter (can't believe I am going to post this but...this is life hu?) I don't know how to swim myself. I never venture from the area that I can touch with my toes.

I went in the water at first with Bug just to make sure he was going to be ok swimming around with the life jacket on. Then I sat on the edge of the pool talking with the 3 other Mommies while Bug played with the other kids. He even practiced jumping off the edge of the pool on the deep end...and I kept a close eye on him at all times.

When it was time to go inside for treats and a juice I got Bug out of the pool with no problems. He didn't fuss or cry or have a temper tantrum. He did great. I took off his life jacket and was drying him off. All the other kids were jumping on the trampoline that was in the yard to dry off their swim suits. I turned my back for a second and heard Bug say I need to jump one more time...and when I turned around he was jumping into the pool. I screamed "NO!" and then kind of panicked. The lady who was hosting the playgroup asked me if I needed her to get him. I didn't answer...but kicked off my flip flops as I saw him come up to the surface of the water but his head was under the water. I jumped in..then quickly realized that I could not touch the bottom. I grabbed Bug's arm and was frantically trying to get to the edge. I then yelled out "I need help! I can't touch!" The lady was in like a flash and she had Bug and I was holding onto the edge with him. THANK GOODNESS! I was freaking out. The Mom was so calm, and she was with Bug and helping him to stay calm too.

I felt so silly how I acted...but you know what this is a huge wake up call to me. I seriously have issues regarding water. I don't like it. This is not good. I wish I knew someone who could teach me how to swim so that I would feel more comfortable around water so that I would not worry so much about Bug. I think most of my concerns about his safety really has to do with my fear of the water myself. I know Bug needs to take swim lessons and I am hoping that we can find someone this summer once we get the official go a head from his Ear Doctor. He got his tubes taken out the end of April and his left ear drum is taking a bit longer to heal up.

so I need to learn how to swim! So when or if Bug ever does something compulsive like this again I will know I can save him.
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4 jittering comments:

Renee' P said...

Oh how scary! I even got a little teary eyed reading when Bug jumped in and you're helpless. It's okay that can't swim...not everyone can. I thank my parents for making us take swimming lessons when we were little. Older than Bug though. I hope you can find someone to teach you how to swim.
Bug has some guts to jump in w/out his life jacket, but he probably didn't understand. Was he okay? How long did he stay under the water?

Andrea said...

scary! Glad it all turned out.
Our pool has private lessons for reasonable, or even adult classes. I should take some one day. I did take swimming lessons growing up, but it's been a long time.

Queen of the House said...

Oh my goodness, that must have been so scary! Maybe you and bug could take lessons together? :-)That might be kind of fun!

Becky said...

What a scary experience. I agree with you that learning to swim will be important for you, since he loves it so much! All of my kids were like that- they LOVE the water and don't realize their limitations. I have learned to be VERY vigilant in watching them near water - - but it does help that I can swim pretty good. I know most rec centers or parks and recs programs have adult swimming lessons - - truly you aren't the only one! Good luck with that- it's easier than you think!

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