Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Really good Quote

I am not sure how many of my friends out there, know about FlyLady or what she and her program do. It basicly is a program that helps you organize your day so that you can take care of the chores that need to be done to keep the house running smoothly, and help you to not be stressed out. My friend Keely told me about the FlyLady group on yahoo groups back in early 2002. I checked the website out and joined the group and started getting email reminders to do the little 15 min activities through out the day. I felt good. But then, I found a job, and didn't do it much. Over the years I have checked out the FlyLady website, and read up on things, to help me not be so hard on myself when it came to taking care of me and my home. It has helped when I needed to hear some positive modivation.

Well, today I got a daily email, and was reading the essay from Kelly, one of the FlyLady crew members and she quoted Eleanor Roosevelt. Here is what she said, Eleanor Roosevelt once said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". It really stuck me when I read that. Hit a cord with me today. In a very good way. It is important to remember that I have control over how I feel, and control over who I am.

I think I am going to write this quote and hang it up for me to see every single day. It will be a good reminder that I am important, and deserve to be happy with myself. That is where it starts right?

1 jittering comments:

Stephani said...

That really is a good one, I love when you read something that just hits home and inspires. Thanks for sharing!:)

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