Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bike Camp

Something amazing has happened in my family with my son!  He can officially ride a bike.  After years of trying to teach him and struggling with it we gave up.  It had been stressful to him and to us trying to teach him. 
Back in June I mentioned to his Occupational Therapist about the fact that he still can't swing on a swing nor ride a bike.  She told me about a program called I Can Shine that has camps all over the place to help teach kids with disabilities how to ride a bike.  She handed me a flyer about it and when I went home I looked them up on the internet.  I called the lady who coordinated the camp in our town and she emailed me an application.  We were excepted with in days.  

This past week was the most amazing week ever.  

 Day one he was on a bike with a special roller.  This is his first lap around the gym.  I was so amazed how quickly he hopped on the bike and started practicing.  He picked it up really quickly.

 This was from day two.  I got a picture of one of the posters.

 Determination in his eyes!

 Mom stop taking pics of me!

 This was day two.  He has one new trainer.  He picked up the bike so quickly that he was moving really fast.  So they got two trainers that could keep up with him.  They had to run a lot!

Day three I was not able to attend.  My husband did. He was able to get the first picture of Bug on a two wheel bike!

Day Four.  He got to try riding his own bike.  The picture below is from the first few moments on his own bike.  Some adjustments were needed.  He did not like it at all at first, and he did get upset enough to walk / run away.  But the staff were so good with him.  Patient but determined to get him riding his own bike.  They made some adjustments to his bike, and by the end of camp today he was riding somewhat on his new bike.

Here is Day 5!!!!  He is riding his own bike with NO SPOTTERS!!!

Here is a picture of his Spotters/trainers!


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