Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bike Rides

This past Saturday my family and I got to go for another family bike ride.  This time we loaded up the bikes and drove down town to an older park with a well known paved walking/biking trail. 

When we arrived we quickly realized that there was a huge community activity taking place.  A Suicide Prevention Walk.  The parking lot was full and we had to park down the street.  But we did  not let this deter us.  We strapped our helmets on our heads, and climbed onto our bikes and headed off towards the walking/biking trail.  There were many people but we did not let that stop us.

After we rode around for a bit, we went to the park and let the kids swing and play.  I am happy to report that both of my kids are officially independent swingers.  Meaning- they can both climb up onto a swing and start swinging on their own!  No more "Mom, can you push me on the swing?" Which usually means, I have to stand there and continue to push them for 10-15 mins or more.  Not anymore.  They both started pumping their legs and leaning back and BOTH of them were swinging on their own with in minutes!

With my son learning how to ride a bike this past summer we have seen so many positive changes in both him and his ability to learn new tasks, but also a huge impact on our family activities.  It has been a nice change.


1 jittering comments:

Andrea said...

I love bike riding. Can't wait till all my kids can ride well enough to go on some good rides. And that is exciting that they both can swing alone!! Kind of jealous..

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