Wednesday, September 03, 2014

First Day of School 2014-2015

Bug and I are offically independent homeschoolers this year.  I am excited to share through out the year what we are working on.

Ladybug is starting First GRADE!  Can't believe she is in First GRADE.  She was so excited this morning while I was helping her get dressed and ready.  It was raining this morning so I did not get any cute pictures of her near her bus or at the school it self.  We were trying really hard to stay dry!

She has one of the same teachers she had for Kindergarten for School this year.  She is VERY happy about that, and I am too.  She did really well with this teacher last year so I can see this year will be a repeat.  

Can I be honest here?  I am grateful that my daughter enjoys school so much and does so well.  I am grateful that I don't have to worry about a phone call on a daily basis from the principal because of behavior issues.  We have had lots of calls stating she has had a bloody nose *witch happens way to much for my liking* or that she is sick with a temp.  But I can take those any day.  When my son was in public school it was daily I would get calls.  I love him but I do dread getting reports back from adults that have to deal with him.  He has gotten sooooo much better but there is still those moments he has and I just want to run and crawl under a rock.  I am embarrassed and feel defeated.  But my daughter makes up for that.  I do wish I could have her home with me to school as well.  Maybe that will be an option in the future, but for now she is doing well where she at.

And I do want to add, I am enjoying the learning my son and I are doing at home.  This year will be full of things that both of us look forward too. 

1 jittering comments:

Ness B. said...

She is becoming quite the lady!

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