Monday, September 22, 2014

Sunday Blessings

I have been wanting to try a bible study with my kids for several years.  But something kept stopping me.  Fear that it would be to complicated for them.  That it would be like pulling teeth to get them to want to sit down and talk about Jesus or Heavenly Father.  I will admit, I am not the best role model when it comes to reading my scriptures, or saying family prayers or even my own private prayers.

Despite these fears I continued to bounce the idea around in my mind.  I know that Heavenly Father hears us even when we are not praying for help directly to him.  He knows what our hearts desire, and He points us in the direction that we should go to find what we are looking for.  And this desire of wanting to spend a little spiritual time with my kids was an easy thing for Him to help me with.

I found on the LDS Website some resources that I thought might work for us.

So what I gathered first was binders for each kid.  I printed a picture of the scriptures from the Clip Art link I have listed above.  I put it on the cover of their binders.

Next I printed up the pages for the New Testament Stories book for Chapter 1.  We had listened to the introduction several months ago before summer.  So I felt that it would be OK to go straight to Chapter 1.  I 3 hole punched the pages.  

I sat the kids down and said we were going to do a short scripture lesson.  I was so surprised to find that both of them were very interested in doing this, and neither of them complained.  It was peaceful. My daughter gave a short little prayer. We listened to one of the songs on the link I have posted above.  I figured it is good to listen to those specific ones as those will be the ones that the kids need to learn for the Primary Program that usually happens in November.  Singing them at home would help to reinforce them.  I knew that my daughter would love to sing it, and would know most of the words, but I had no idea that my son would know the song so well.  He sung is little heart out.  Amazing.

 Then I reminded them of the lesson we had done back in May. They know a lot already about the pre-exsistance and how we all had a choice to either follow Lucifer or Jesus.  We had a little discussion about choices that we each make while on Earth.  Good choices and Bad choices.  Jesus came to Earth to help us be forgiven for those Bad Choices that we make.  So we were going to learn about Jesus. 

Then I handed them their sheets from Chapter 1 and told them they could color the pictures in and hightlight any words they want during the reading.  I then turned on the Audio/Video recording of the chapter and allowing them to listen; they were looking at the pictures and reading along.  We then discussed what we read.  They both were very engaged and eager to ask questions as well as answer mine.  

I am happy how it turned out.  I told them that each Sunday we would be doing this.  It is nice it is only 10 mins max of time.  I know it is not that much time...but I think at this point it needs to be short and sweet.  I wish I had learned about these links above sooner - as I am sure I would have tried to do this years ago.  But at the same time, I think it was revealed to me at this time and not sooner because I was ready to find it, and that my heart was open to it.

I am grateful that Heavenly Father listens to our hearts even when we don't know how to ask for help.


2 jittering comments:

Andrea said...

What a great idea. Thanks for the links. There is so much available that it's sometimes hard to find things. I had no idea there was audio. Fun. I will have to try that out.

Uberly Ewe said...

Yeah Andrea- I was surprised as well for the audio I found. It really made it more enjoyable for me and my kids. Let me know if you try it out too.

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