Sunday, May 20, 2007

Smart Habit Saturday 5/19/2007

I didn't realize that yesturday was Saturday and today was Sunday. I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday and then I checked my calendar and realized that it was Sunday....and Church starts at 9am. Oh....No...well it really was not a problem but I had ment to put a post on S.M.A.R.T. Habits Saturday on Saturday and now it is Sunday....all well.
This week I was working on Scripture reading. I did really good. At first I did it in the evening after I got my son to bed, and since my hubby was working late I was able to do it with not problem, but then Laura from the Lazy Oranizer who is hosting this weekly challenge posted a comment that I should try reading my scriptures out loud to my son. I have to admit I was not to keen on the idea. Not that I don't want to read scriptures to my son, but more that I know that he will be a huge distraction. But I gave it a try....realizing that he was not going to sit on my lap, and quietly listen. I was in my room and he was climbing on our bed, but I just let him as I read the scriptures out loud, kind of like I was telling him a story. It worked!!! Even though he didn't sit still and was climbing all over the bed, he did finally settle down and was laying on the bed and you could tell he was listening. It was cool. I even enjoyed reading it to helped me to remember what I had read. It was a good thing. Thanks Laura for your suggestion.
So I will continue to work on reading my scriptures everyday because I don't think it is a habit yet.
As for the baby blanket that I have been crocheting for the new baby girl we will be placed with in the Summer or the Fall, it kind of got put on the back burner. I am going to try work on this during the week, because it really needs to be done.
My new habit to work on this week kind of goes along with the crocheting blanket I was going to work on....kind of. Since my hubby and I are Foster Parents we have a license that we have to renew every three years. With the renewl we have 36 hours of continuation training hours that we have to take before our license is renewed. I have 20 hours so far, and just need 16 more by January. CPS and DSHS offers classes to Foster Parents several days during each month, and also some on-line classes that you can download and write a short report to get credit. I have one such class on Child Brain Development downloaded and saved on my laptop. It is a total of 5 hours. I plan on watching this class (one hour each day). So that I can get 5 more hours of training done. And be even closer to the requirement.
Here is the link to The Lazy Oranizer's blog to check out what others are working on.
Thanks Laura for hosting this weekly challenge

2 jittering comments:

Alyson said...

Thank you for passing on the idea about reading the bible to your children. This is a habit I am also trying to form and maybe taking sometime to read to Cole will help me establish this better. Plus it will make me a better influence on him to see we think about God at other times than just Church on Sunday.

Andrea said...

Glad your scripture reading went so well.
good luck with the classes. That sounds like a lot of work to do.

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