Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Stormy Weather

ok....my friend Alyson posted on her blog list night that she was enjoying the Storm that we had come trough. I just had to post how I feel about Storms. I HATE them. I really do. I get really nervous and frightened when I suddenly see lightning and then hear the thunder. I got to thinking about why I feel this way....and some childhood memories creeped up into my mind.
When I was very young my sister and my parents went on a camping trip in New Mexico. I remember being woken up by the rain and thunder and then my parents quickly packing us up in the middle of the night into the car. We were soked. Our camp site flooded. My sister and I were in the back seat of my parents car as they packed up the tent and other items. And then a black and white cat soon joined us. We had no idea where this cat had come from but it was so scared, and we gave it shelter. We ended up bring the cat home with us. We ended up naming him Thunder.
I also remember, being in Wisconson visiting my Great Grandmother one summer with all our relatives. We were having a BBQ when all of a sudden I got nervous...and then the wind picked up and hail fell from the sky. It was rather scary to me.
Last night when the big storm hit, I was giving Bug a bath. I was singing to him and he was singing back when all of a sudden we heard a huge thunder Clap! I jumped. Bug seemed fine. It didn't faze him at all. After I got him to bed, I was sitting on the couch watching some TV, when I saw a flash of light (*VERY BRIGHT*) and then with in seconds I heard and FELT the Thunder! It was so loud and hard that the house shook!!! and Shoook! and SHHHOOOOOK! I screamed out and then quickly covered my hand over my mouth, because Bug was a sleep. He didn't even wake up from it. I really thought he would because it was LOUD!!!
Since Bryan was working late I quickly texted him a message that I was scared and what a great hubby I have....because he called me at home. I love him so much. Just hearing his voice helped me to calm down.

3 jittering comments:

Jennie said...

oh........ i am so sorry that you don't like storms! i love them! they are so calming to me.

i remember one time when i was in college, it started raining so i grabbed a big blanket and went outside, laid on the blanket and just watched the sky. it was so amazing! one of my very favorite memories!

i stayed there for at least 30 minutes... i would have stayed longer but it started raining REALLY hard and i was getting soaked!

Andrea said...

I'm with you. I do not like storms at all.
Glad you have such a great husband, and Bug kept sleeping.

Alyson said...

Very cool picture. I had to save it on my computer. Unlike you I looked at it and thought how relaxed it made me feel.

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