Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Still sick

Got hardly any sleep last night. Bug woke up at 12:30am and I spent the rest of the night down stairs with him. Trying to sleep in his bed with him, but he would start talking, singing, etc..so I came back up stairs. Asked Bryan for some help, and he reluctantly went down stairs, but his help only made Bug cry more, and I still couldn't sleep. After a quick argument Bryan headed up stairs and I went into Bug's room and told him, point blank, "I will come join you sleeping again, but if you make one peap, I was out of the room and he could cry him self back to sleep" . It was 3am by this time. I was tired, and SICK...coughing and gagging...but he managed to fall asleep dispite my coughing.
I got him to stay in bed tell 7am and then we got up. Bryan had to go to the court house because he got picked for jury duty. He was upset that he had to do this, because he would rather be working on the basement bathroom.
So I have been home sick, coughing and now throwing up in the kitchen from coughing so hard that I am gagging.
I had to cancel Bug's OT appointment because I am sick and Bryan was not able to get done with the jury duty in time to take Bug to his appointment, and he is the one who has our one working car right now during the winter.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and am hoping that I will have some better stuff to post about.

Today has been a tough day. Very emotional, because I am not feeling really good and some other personal stuff going on. I hope that time can heal this dark cloud that seems to have engulfed me lately.

Hope you all are having a good day dispite my gloom.

1 jittering comments:

Andrea said...

I really hope you are feeling better soon! And that you get some sleep.

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