Saturday, February 23, 2008

Busy week...

Just have had a busy week. Tired most of the time *wonder why? hu?* Still have that silly cold! It has been over a month and I am still coughing. I went to see my family doctor on Tuesday to see if he could give me help but NOPE! So I have resorted to going to see my Chiropractor every day for the next week or so to get adjustments to help my imune system and he is also doing a lazer treatment on my lungs. It is harmless and won't hurt the baby at all. I guess I have seen some improvement because I am sleeping a bit better, but I still sound like I have a frog in my throat when I talk.

I do want to give you all an update of my busy week:

Monday: My friend Alyson came over and watched Bug for me while I went to my Genetic testing Appointment. Things didn't turn out the way they were, because of the holiday and the fact that the baby is measuring a few days bigger than the cut off of the test. I was not able to do the genetic testing because they were closed but I did get another U/S and I am not complaining about that. I got to see the baby again and that made me happy. Here are some pictures!
Baby's face. Looking down at the baby...face to the left and tummy on the right.
Baby's legs streched out. Looking up from under neath the baby. Can't tell yet if it is a girl or boy yet. Still to early.
Side profile of the baby.

Another 4D version showing the baby with it's legs straight out. Couldn't see the face clearly though, but the legs are funny.

Tuesday: Took Bug to OT today and he did very well. There was a little girl in his session. They both started off really shy, but after about 5 minutes they were the best of friends. This made me feel good. Now we need to work on respecting people's space. He has begun hugging and such with kids and adults that he likes and doesn't ask them first if it is ok. He usually comes up behind them to hug them. Even though this can be a problem I see this as a step in the right direction, since in the past he would not even get near other kids or adults to even have them talk to him. I think this is a good thing, and teaching him to ask before he hugs someone will be pretty easy to work on.

Also, on Tuesday went to see my family doctor to help with this cold that I have had for over a month. No help. :(

Wednesday: Went Visiting Teaching and in the afternoon (5pm) went to Chiropractor for appointment.

Thursday: My visiting teachers came over to my house. Went to Chiropractor for another appointment.

Friday: Got a massage from my friend Alyson. Spent the rest of the day making Blueberry Smoothies for the Church Activity Day girls Confrence. And making up recipe cards to pass out to the girls.

Saturday: Got up bright and early today and headed to the church for the Activity Day Girls Confrence. Taught the girls how to make smoothies. Got to use my Magic Bullet! The girls loved the smoothies and the Magic Bullet too!

On top of all of this I have been planning Bug's 3rd Birthday Party. I have decided to keep things really small. Only inviting 3 of his close friends. They will come over next Saturday. Not sure if I will actually do games *maybe 2 games* or not. We will see how the day goes. The theme is going to be Curious George. Still looking for plates and cups and not sure if I am going to be successful at finding them. Will have to do with what I can find. I am also trying to decide if I am going to do an Ice Cream Cake, or have Banana Splits. Bananas----Get it? Curious George is a monkey and monkey's like bananas. LOL. We will see.

oh, and one last thing. Report on the Dinner menu for this week. Didn't follow it AT ALL this week. It just didn't work out. For so many different reasons. I either was not in the mood for the meal scheduled or I was not home to start it. I was tired allot this week too. So I am going to keep the schedule for this coming week and see if I can make it happen. Maybe it is the food I am cooking, not sure.

7 jittering comments:

Anonymous said...

Baby is beautiful.Looks like a runner. I mean those legs seem large. Does it kick alot? hehe

Andrea said...

What great baby pictures. So cool to see.
Hope you get better soon!
Love the Curious George theme. Should be fun.
I have yet to have a "real" party for my kids birthday, but I think this year when she's 4 will have to have one. We have enough fam and cousins that so far they have fun with that and don't know the difference.
Ya.. I need new meal ideas too. Or a cook or something.

jennbecc said...

You're getting AMAZING shots of the baby! I wonder if my shots were so weird because they were twins. You're so lucky!!

Anonymous said...

Your baby is so beautiful! Can you believe that you & Brian created that? That's wonderful. I can wait to find out what you're having!! Few more weeks?
Sorry you've been so tired. If I ever get pregnant, I will be like you, having a 2-3 yr old during my first pregnancy.
So happy for you!
This "cold" you've had for a while sounds like what my friend had. She pg too. My sister-in-law has the same thing too, but it's a bacterial infection and she just found out she's pg. My dad was diagnosed w/ type A influenza, which are some of the same symptoms too. Just get lots of rest and relaxation.

Mikaela said...

I can't believe how amazing the 4D ultrasounds are! I'm so glad you were at least able to see the baby!

Can't wait to hear how the Curious George party goes. Sounds like you'll have your hands full with 4 3 year olds!

And it's great you do a dinner menu. I do this occassionally, and it helps so much more. Unfortunately, I never stick with it, well generally. I really should though!

Jennie said...

i am so sorry that i have been such a bad blog friend! life has been a bit crazy! i promise to be better!

Becky said...

I love your ultrasound pictures! They are so clear (especiallly the 4-d) one. Oh- by the way, I think your baby is a girl. . . even if it is too early to tell! We will see . . .

I can totally relate to the horrible cold/flu going around this year- our family has been battling it off and on since Christmas. Being sick with a cold/flu bug when your pregnant just magnifies it! You are amazing for meal planning, even though you don't feel good. When I was pregnant with Marcus, I don't think I cooked that whole 9 months because I felt so horrible.

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