Thursday, March 20, 2008

My mind keep going blank...

Rambling thoughts....

1. I love that Bug is getting so good using the computer. He uses the touch pad and plays his on-line games on PBSkids, Noggin, Playhouse Disney, and Nick Jr. He is getting really good with his hand eye coordination.

2. Bug has a really bad cold. Stuffy/Runny nose and a cough. I was up with him most of last night trying to help him. Vicks vapor rub worked really good for him last night. I would rub some on every 4 hours or so and he would relax and fall right back to sleep.

3. Wish that Bug knew how to blow his nose. He keeps rubbing his runny nose slime on his sleeves. EEEWWW!

4. Got a massage today. Very much needed. My neck was really tight.

5. Starting to wear my maternity clothes. I still feel like it is way to early to wear these clothes, but I am going ahead and taking the plunge for several reasons. Don't want people to think I am just FAT. I CAN NOT FIT INTO ANY OF MY OLD CLOTHES. You should have seen me trying to find a dress or skirt to wear this past Sunday to go to church. EEEWWW! is all I can say. I put on a black dress that my sister had given to me that she had when she was pregnant and it fit really good and I felt really comfortable. I also went to a used clothes store yesterday that sells kids and maternity clothes and found 3 new tops and a skirt. I was happy.

6. Can't wait tell Tuesday of next week! We will have another U/S to see what the sex of the baby is. Here's hoping that the baby is not to shy. Oh and the Dr. scheduled some more tests to be done during the U/S to check for Down Syndrome. The blood work that I had done (Quad-Test) back on March 3rd came back positive for Down Syndrome. But this is only a screening and the odds were 1 in 15. This screening is not very accurate and several of my friends have told me that they have had positives or know of family members who have had positive results from the screening and the baby they deliver is healthy and does not have the condition. Dr. Hilton thinks my results are 1 in 15 because of my age.

7. I am nervous to learn more about the Down Syndrome test during the U/S but at the same time I really am calm about it too. I strongly feel that the baby does not have this condition. Can't explain why. I hope it is not because I want it so badly....but because it is the Spirit confirming this to me. But even if this baby does have this condition I ---We can get through this. We went into being placed with Bug when he was only a Foster Child knowing the moment that we met him that we wanted to adopt him...and he was only 13 days old. We had no idea what challenges we would face with him because of genetics or drug exposure. It didn't matter so this baby that Bryan and I have created should be even more excepted don't you think?

8. Speaking of Bug and issues/challenges with him. Each passing day I come closer and closer to thinking that he might have Asperger' a form of Autism. These children are very smart, sometimes called Little Geniuses but they have issues in social situations. They have a hard time reading feelings in others, and expressing their own feelings with others. I have had several people mention to me that he might have this...his Gymboree teacher, his Speech Therapist and also my friend Alyson who has a disabled step-son. I have had the feeling that he might have this after I checked out Bug's old baby sitter's homeschooling blog. She moved to the East Coast over a year ago and I had no idea that her oldest son was diagnosed with this condition until I read her blog. After reading about this I realized that even though her son is not mine that I could see some possible similarities. I have yet to have him evaluated, not sure really where to have this have a name of a behavior therapist that I might call and schedule an evaluation, but not sure.

9. We woke up on the First day of Spring with snow falling and several times today I have looked out and saw hail falling from the sky! CRAZY!!!

5 jittering comments:

Grammy said...

you're cute! You sound content...but concerned.
Just sitt'en and waiting...
twiddling thumbs. Isn't there a song with the words 'just wishing and hoping and thinking (and something) and then something about 'can't get you out of my mind' I think it is some kind of love ballard...but the words seem right to me right now. Little Baby Nugent will be fine...and welcomed by all with opened arms. *S* Can't Wait!!

jennbecc said...

I hope you find some comfy clothes. I had a terrible time finding maternity clothes that fit my twin belly. I had the best luck at the Good Will believe it or not. And cheap too! Not to mention that you'll only be wearing it for a short time...why not save some $. Congrats on making it to spring! You're in the home stretch! :)

MaryRuth said...

Good luck with the Ultrasound... you've already been through a lot... God knows you and knows what you can do. He'll take care of you. Wishing you the best with the testing.

Renee' P said...

I can't wait to find out what you're having! If Bug does have that syndrome, then I know you'll make his life amazing! You guys were chosen to be his parents and you are a fantastic mother. And the same goes for this baby your having. Good luck and let me know!

Becky said...

So much I could comment on, but most of all- I understand having a difficult 3 year old boy. Marcus has had a really rough time- his 3 year old year and 5 year old year were the worst. I remember bawling and thinking there must be something wrong with me as a mom after several public incidents with him- ones where he attacked other children, or was completely defiant, tantrums, etc. It has taken many years to come to this, but we are finally seeing a specialist in Yakima that specialized in Autism- and she is going to do further testing, but really feels he is on the Autism Spectrum. At age 3, Marcus could barely talk, and definitely didn't know how to handle himself in social situations. At age 6 (almost 7), he is at the top of his class in school, but really struggles socially and emotionally. Last year he was expelled twice for different incidences, and his teachers have had to give allowances for him (he has a REALLY hard time transitioning). I feel like I have been through the ringer- last year the Psychiatrist put him on medication for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- which made him worse- and that diagnosis has since been thrown out by our new therapist, and doctor. Anyway, I won't go into more details, but give me a call if you want to talk- I really know how frustrating and hard it can be. On the upside, he is sooo smart, and does learn the social skills he needs eventually, just behind other kids. He is at about the same level as Cynthia (age 4) when it comes to interacting with other kids. The biggest thing I have learned is be an advocate for your child and explore EVERY option you hear of and do what feels right (be leary of medication! There are much better routes!) Oh- and patience is a huge factor in dealing with your child, with the medical community, schools, etc!

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