Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sick kid....

Bug has been sick like I mentioned in a previous post...snoty nose and coughing.

Thursday night to Friday morning was really bad. He was up every hour crying, coughing. But then in the morning he seemed better.

We died the eggs yesterday and during the activity he got really excited and began running around and then wheezing really bad. I called his doctor's office but they were at lunch so I left a message for them. Bug fell asleep and went down for a nap. The doctor's office called back and told me to bring Bug in. So I woke him up and we drove down the hill (2-3 blocks) to the doctor's office. He did so good in the office. He really liked Dr. Thompson (new doctor). Dr. Thompson could hear some wheezing in his chest and had us to a Nebulizer treatment in the office and then rechecked his breathing. I was sent home with our own Nebulizer, Rx for Albuterol- to be taken every 4 hours, and a referral to Inland Imaging to have chest X-Ray taken to see if he has Pneumonia. Bug did have Pneumonia back in May 2007.

Bug loved the nebulizer. Strange!

Went to get the x-rays taken...he did soooooo good! I couldn't stay in the room because I am pregnant, and I was worried that he would cry when I left the room but NOPE! He was sooooooo good! This is NOT MY KID!!! But can I keep him???

Dr. Thompson called us late last night with the results from the x-rays...he does not have pneumonia but some enlarged bronchial tubes causing the wheezing. Bug has to do the nebulizer every 4 hours, and we go back to see Dr. Thompson on Tuesday morning, to recheck the progress and see what to do next. He might need new medicine or be ok. We will see.

Here is a picture of Bug using the Nebulizer this morning.

7 jittering comments:

Anonymous said...

You rock Bug!!! I had to take my little #2 boy into the doctor late last week, and he was diagnosed with a little asthma with illness. Meaning that it's not flared up all the time, just when he gets sick. They gave us a inhaler, he HATES it. I wish they would've given us the nebulizer. What three year old wants to use the inhaler. Then he ends up not getting any medicine. So kudos to you. Keep up the good work Bug. You'll get better quicker that way.

Cindy said...

I haven't read blogs for almost a week now and you have been busy. a sick Bug and finishing the downstairs. I love the easter eggs that kit looks better then the traditional way and next year I'm looking for that kit. Kylee had to do the nebulizer treatments for a while about a year ago and whatever was causing the wheezing went away and she hasn't had to do treatments since. Have a happy easter and I hope all goes well with baby #2 and ultrasound and possible down's.

Mikaela said...

I'm so glad he will do his treatments without protest. Around here, when breathing issues arrise, it's like pulling teeth to get McKay to do it. We generally have to hold him down. I can't give him medication without holding him down either.

Hope your little guy perks up and is back to normal. I'm glad he doesn't have pneumonia.


Renee' P said...

This is right down my alley! Sorry to hear that Bug is sick. We have a nebulizer as well, but Dom does not do quite so well at it. He detests it so we have to force him to take the treatments. He will get better soon. Those treatments are amazing!
Will you call me w/the sex of the baby on Tuesday, so I don't have to find out from your blog?
I would love that!

jennbecc said...

Poor Bug....hopefully the treatments help make him better soon.

jennbecc said...

Poor Bug....hopefully the treatments help make him better soon.

Martha said...

Aw, poor guy. Isn't it great when they're good in the doctor's office?! We've had some really, really bad visits and some really good. You never know! :)

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