Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sleeping...what is that?

I am finding it very difficult to get a good sound sleep during the night, because I can't sleep on my tummy. I love falling asleep on my tummy and now I can't do it. And I am sad. I didn't realize just how hard this was going to be.

What else is on my mind....oh Bug is not sleeping through the night as well. This has been going on for quite a while. Really started to get bad about a month ago. He has also decided that he does not like falling asleep on his own and will SCREAM at the top of his lungs, turning RED in the face. It is HELL! So I have been sitting at the foot of his bed while he falls asleep. We did start up the 3mg of Meletonin again when we set the clocks ahead to help him go to bed at 7:30pm (because his body thought it was only 6:30pm). But now he wakes up 3-4 times each night. At first I would sit at the end of his bed again tell he feel back asleep because it was only 1 time each night but then it grew to 3-4 times. So then I thought I would set up a little mattrace next to my side of the bed on the floor where he could sleep when he woke up. This worked great for two nights. He climbed into the small little bed and fell right to sleep and slept in tell 6:30am. But now it is not working. He keeps saying..."I want to sleep down stairs in my big bed." But I am not about to sit there and wait tell he falls asleep. I NEED MY SLEEP!
Just when I think I got this kid down, know what he wants and needs he goes and changes things up on me. Last night he slept from 7:45pm tell 5:30am straight. He even wanted me to hug him when I took him down to bed. Side note: for the past two weeks he does not want me to touch him while he is falling asleep, but just wants me in the room. So last night I sat him on my lap and hugged him for about 3 minutes and then I whispered to him to climb into bed and he did and then the turned over on his tummy and fell asleep. Uggg!!! I can't keep up with this kids changing WANTS! I will survive and I will figure this all out, it is just interesting to me how he keeps changing what he wants.

5 jittering comments:

Renee' P said...

Sorry about the trouble you're having w/BUG sleeping through the night. I am dreading putting Dom in a big boy bed, so for now he stays in the crib.
Just hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Just keep up the great work. You will have easy times and then hard ones. They go through these weird phases all the time, and it is difficult. I had a similar one with #1 when pregnant with #2. Hang in there.

Cindy said...

Hang in there. Things will get better. It seems like both my girls did the same thing. It's a phase and you get through them just like everything else. Also, I don't know how you are when you sleep but I was a tummy sleeper as well until I got pregnant. Anyway, I read in a pregnancy magazine that a body pillow was a great thing to help falling asleep if you were use to falling asleep on your belly because you can put it btwn your legs and your belly rests on top of it and it really worked for me. Anyway, good luck with you sleeping and bug's sleeping. It will get better.

Becky said...

I can totally relate!!! Amazingly, kids do grow up. Marcus and Cynthia were the worst at going to bed- it was really hard for a while. Now they are totally fine. Lillian is our stinker now, she wakes up several times a night, not wanting to go back to sleep. It is so hard to be rational and not harm your child at 4:00 in the morning! Our small apartment is not condusive to letting her "cry it out" -- Wasn't this supposed to stop a year ago! Anyway, I am sure being pregnant makes it all the harder for you!!! I was also a tummy sleeper before I got pregnant. I remember after Marcus was born I laid on my tummy for the first time in months- and it felt SO good!

Andrea said...

Oh yes... the lovely bedtime fun.
Pick what works for you and be consistent and it will all work out... eventually!
Hope you get some sleep!

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