Sunday, July 27, 2008

Scribbles and Reading

Bug was playing down stairs by himself for quite a while this morning. I am trying to learn to not hover over him and allow him to have some alone time to play. I think it is healthy that he plays alone from time to time. I know I should have checked on him earlier, but I really was thinking all he had was a stinky diaper, and I was not looking forward to having to change him. The smell is really getting to me lately.

Well, when I finally made it down stairs I didn't find a poopie diaper but rather a wall full of blue scribbles. I screamed, causing Bryan to come running down stairs. Luckily, baby wipes cleaned it right off. It was a stray marker that Bug found from our drawing on our face day. Check out this post if you didn't get the joy of seeing my son in all his glory.

There was also the hugest spider EVER!!!! in the hall way right above my head when I was screaming. I turned to Bryan when he came down the hallway, and I saw it right above my head!!! I screamed even louder. Bryan was shocked by it too, and he even said it was huge. Now if Bryan says it is big and he doesn't want to kill it because it will make a mess, then it has got to be huge!

As we were cleaning up the scribbles with the wipes (Bug was helping too- I made him!) Bryan said, we should take a picture. I told him that if I had to see this over and over then I would go crazy. I didn't want to be reminded of this at all. Bryan is going to try and get Bug's Art Isle back inside so that he can go for it on that thing rather than on my walls! It really was to much for me. With me being pregnant, and only a few more weeks to go, my patience has gone out the window! I feel like I am going to go crazy, screaming and yelling all the time. My body hurts and because of it, I am taking it out on everyone around me. Bug getting the brunt of it.

Dispite this crankiness that I have been going through, I have managed to stop and enjoy my little Bug! I love him so much and can't wait tell I can spend more one on one time with him. I know it will be difficult having two kids, but I know we will work something out. Either during Lady Bug's naps or when Bryan can watch Lady Bug for me so that I can get a little one on one time with Bug. I can't wait. I am trying to remember to be realiztic a the same time.

So here is one of those moments I experienced later in the day. He was helping me clean up his bedroom and putting books away and wanted to read. So I got the video camera out. He is so amazing! I love hearing his little voice so nice and clear! I hope you can all hear it.

He is READING! I know I have mentioned it before, but I don't think many people really believe me.


4 jittering comments:

Anonymous said...

i wanted to see Bug and his art work. im sure he was just getting the home ready for the baby to come home hehe.
Kaytlynn sure did her coloring jobs on my walls.I can't seem to get it off still.

Little April said...

The video of your son with the marker on his face is so so so cute, we are just now starting to color and I have learned the importance of buying the washable kind lol!Congrats on the bun in the oven :)

Jandre said...

Ok, missy, lets see another prego shot, since you only have 3 weeks left! Isn't that soooo scary to think about, when you're down that far and you only have that little time left? yikes, I know I"m freaking already and I have 6 weeks still! I'm not READY!!!

Andrea said...

scary spiders.
Very cute videos. What a smarty! Very cool that he can read.

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