Monday, August 18, 2008


It was so hot yesterday. 105 degrees here at my home, but I think the news stations were saying that it got to 101 degrees offically.

Needless to say, I have been sitting in front of my small window box air conditioning unit, with water, and a squirt bottle to spray both me and Bug down with from time to time.

Just way to HOT! I hear that it is suppose to get to 97 degrees today, but to tell you the truth, anything over 90 degrees I am melting, cranky, sore, swollen, and unhappy. Coming this Wednesday it is suppose to drop to 66 degrees with rain. I can't wait tell Wednesday.

8 jittering comments:

Dianna said...

Yuck! I'm glad it's going to get cooler for you soon.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Everyone says, "Oh no, it's only going to be in the 60's, what will we do." I think we'll be cooling down is what we'll be doing. With myself being heavier, cooling down is not that easy. If it's already cool outside, I can throw a sweatshirt on and warm up. Keep up your routine, as it sounds like you sure are trying to keep your temp down. You're in the home stretch.

MaryRuth said...

welcome to my per sonal h*&%... we've been in the 100's for three weeks now. i'm dying.

Thankfully we got some rain today... the first in almost three months!

Good luck and stay cool. And have the baby tomorrow so I can win.

The CLAMShack: said...

it was TOO hot yesterday! you need a little pool to float around in! :)

Renee' P said...

Yes it has been really HOT! IT got up to 89 in the main part of the house last night. Lots of fans going on in here! DOm's been a little crankier. It's 83 in our house right now. I feel your pain. THe cool down will be nice. I'm not ready for summer to be over yet, but a cooldown is welcommed!

Little April said...

Bless your heart! We finally got some relief from our 100 degree weather yea!!! It has rained everyday for the last 5 days, this is odd for texas right now but I will take it!

Allison said...

I can understand heat and pregnancy! I just had my daughter a week and a half ago. Congrats on the pregnancy!

Little April said...

I gave you an award check my blog :)

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