Monday, September 22, 2008

Great visit!

We had such a great time with my sister and her family! It was fun to watch the boys play and fight and get into things and just have a great time together. Bug got a bit overwhelmed and kind of lashed out a few times and we had to give out some TIME OUTS but over all, he tried to be good. Sometimes it just gets to be to much for him. Even though he seemed to be done with his cousins after the 3 days he cried and cried when I got home from the airport and realized that he had fallen asleep and was not able to say "Good Bye" to them. Every few hours he asks where the "Boys" are. He wants to play with them.

Like I said it was great to see my sister and her husband, but even more exciting to see my nephews. The last time I saw them they were both a month old. They have grown up so much and are just so fun to watch. They both are so different from each other. Jacob loves to explore and get into things. He is always on the go. Zachary is so caring, and LOVED looking at Lady Bug. Every time she was out in the living room he would come over to her and just look at her.

Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Tunnel time!

(Jake "A.K.A. Thing 2" coming through the Tunnel with Zach "A.K.A. Thing 1" in the back ground)

The Cousins! Anyone for a RED shirt?! We had a difficult time keeping our eyes on the right kids because they were all wearing red shirts and jeans.

Lady Bug looking cute as ever!

We took the bus down town to go to Mobius and Feed the Ducks. All the boys did such a great job sitting on the bus. I think Jake and Zach had a great time. And my sister's husband (Brian) officially got to ride a city bus for the first time ever!

Bug feeding the ducks down at River Front Park. He was throwing in whole slices of bread into the water and the ducks were going wild!

Zach running through the park!

Mobius Kid's Museum~ Jake playing with the Air Board.

He liked the shinny tiles moving from the wind.

Jake playing with the trains in the Toddler Area of Mobius.

Zach playing with the balls on the Air Tubes. Zach loves LOVES balls!

He always has one in his hands.

Zach playing in the "Rabbit Hole" in the Toddler Play area! Peek-A-Boo!

Bug painting! He loves to paint. I love the fact that he can paint all he wants and I don't have to worry about cleaning it up when he goes to Mobius! LOVE it!

The Little Artist at work.

Bath Time!

Supper Lady Bug! Wearing the sleeper that Auntie Jen got for her.

Zach saying hello to Lady Bug! He loved to look at her.

Lady Bug was "Blessed" on Sunday, September 21. Her Oma (Bryan's mother) made this dress for her. Grammy (My mother) made the slip to go under the dress.

Lady Bug did so well during the Baby Blessing. She didn't cry at all. She was so calm the rest of church too. I think she enjoyed wearing the dress because it was soft and warm and she felt safe. It was a rather cold, rainy day so the dress helped to keep her warm.

My sister and her family were able to attend. I think they had a good time, but it got tiring to try and keep their boys entertained, so they went out in the hallway and let them walk around, and that got old quickly. We were all ready to head home after Sacrament. We had some yummy hamburgers that Bryan BBQ'd for us. YUMMMMM!

My friend Kristi and her husband Jared were able to attend too.

Jared joined in the Blessing Circle.

Lady Bug with her Auntie Jen!

Lady Bug with her Uncle Brian.

5 jittering comments:

Stephani said...

Love all the pictures, looks like you had some fun times. Ladybug looks beautiful in her little blessing dress.

jennbecc said...'re doing better than me in getting pictures of the visit posted on the blog! We had a great time. Thanks for hosting us! Lots of love and hugs!
Jenn, Brian, Zack & Jake!

Andrea said...

sounds like a lot of fun. so nice to have visitors. lady bug is so alert and so cute! and great painting by bug.

Grammy said...

Love Ladybugs pants! And the socks...where are her feet? I know she has feet! I kissed them everyday while I was there! Love all the pictures. Good to see all my 'boys' together again...and having fun. Hugs....

Jennie said...

looks like you had a marvelous time!

how fun!

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