Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning 2012!

Christmas 2012 was a good day.  For weeks Ladybug has been asking if it was Christmas Day so she could open up gifts.  She being 4 yrs old was very excited this year.  She got to ask Santa for a Hello Kitty Clock and that is what Santa brought her this year.  Bug wanted MineCraft on his laptop. I guess it is better on the PC because you can play with other players.  The company of MineCraft are having some download problems and we have not been able to download it on Bug's laptop yet.  He is bummed but seems to be trying to be patient.

We all had a very early start to opening presents but took our time stopping to play along the way.
I got a Kindle from Bryan and some books already set up on it.  I have started one book called "Ember" on it and it is good so far.  Just need to find time when it is quiet to read.  I am not good at reading with noise and kids bugging me. 

Here is a picture of the kids with the gifts they gave each other.  They had it all planned out to open each other's gifts first.  Cute.  They were both very pleased.  Ladybug got several My Little Pony toys and has been playing with them pretty much non-stop.

Hope you all are enjoying the holidays spending time with family.


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