Saturday, July 28, 2007

been out of sorts

Just have been dealing with the heat once again. I am tired of it being so hot. It makes me not want to do anything. No cooking, no blogging, nothing at all.

But I have managed to do some stuff. Bug had music class, Gymboree, and Speech and Occupaitonal Thereapy this week. Thankfully these were all in the morning because by the time noon rolls around it is way to hot for me to want to be out.

We stay cooped up in the house huddled around the air conditioner. Ha ha ha.
Reminds me of the winter time....not really.

Speaking of Bug he is talking up a storm. Most of the time I can understand most of what he says, but that is not always the case. He has had a good week with learning new words, and practicing how to pronounce them correctly. He is also learning what words look like too. He knows all the letters of the alphabet and will sing the song all the time. I am working on showing him what words look like. So I will write words on the chalk board on with his magnet letters on the fridge and then point to them and say them...and he will say them back and sometimes even go back to them later in the day and say the word. To cute! It makes me happy to hear him chattering all the time. Bryan is starting to get worn down from all the chattering but I am still enjoying it. It doesn't seem to bother me "YET". LOL!

Bug and I are off to a Moms Club activity - Day camping after we have our weekly swim class. I am hoping to bring my camera and try and take some pictures of the day. I just hope it is not too hot....they say 95 today. Ugggg!

Better get our bags packed.

1 jittering comments:

Unknown said...

wow you have a full schedule. Bug is lucky to have such a wonderful mother who takes him to all these activities. I remember going to all those activites with Charlie but since Lola we haven't had as much time (or it has just been impossible with two). I sometimes feel she has missed out but on the other side she was lucky enough to have a big brother to play with.At least the weather has cooled off some...thankfully..........I have no a/c and the heat can be brutal!

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