Sunday, August 31, 2008

Home and healing...

I am home now. I got home on Saturday afternoon. I am doing well. I am working on a post about what I have to deal with right now. Just wanted say I am doing well.

7 jittering comments:

The Girls and Dad B. said...

Glad to hear you are home! REST, REST, REST! I'm thinking I might try to come by sometime this week with my littlest one. It would have to be in the afternoon why my others are in school. Is there a day that works better for you? I hope all is going well...take care!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are home Brenda. If there is anything I can do please let me know, as you know I live pretty close. Is anyone helping with meals? I would like to be added to that list if so. I can help with cooking, something you shouldn't have to be worried about. Keep on healing.

Sara Rose said...

I am so happy you are finally home! I hope this lasts a little longer than last time! I am sure your family is so happy also! It is also nice to see Bryan and Spencer at church! I peeked in Nursery today and saw Bryan playing playdough with Aliya and had to laugh! He now is a dad of a little girl! How fun to have one of each now!!! Good luck and hope to see you soon!

Cindy said...

Oh my Brenda, the joys of being a new mommy and i think you have gotten stuck with everything that could go wrong. Sorry to hear about poor Spencer with the flu and your blood clots and getting use to being a new mom. You seem to have a great attitude towards everything and are really taking everything with a grain of salt. Keep up the breastfeeding it gets easier and doesn't hurt once you get the latch figured out. Also, don't worry about feeling self concience about breastfeeding in public. Be proud!! It's what our boobs are meant for. You're using them for their purpose, so keep up the good work. I'm a breastfeeding fanatic and I'm really pro-breastfeeding, so sorry about my rant, but seriously what a great thing you are doing for you and your baby and if people have a problem with that then hey it's their problem. I know how you feel about being tugged at both ends wanting to rest and take care of bug too, but use the help and get healed before you do to much. Bug will have a hard time adjusting I'm sure, but it's only temporary and things will get back to normal in no time.

Andrea said...

Glad you are doing well. I think of you often.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

Oh im so glad you are better. I would love to come comfort you and hold Baby Bug! Rest sweetie and take care of yourself.

The CLAMShack: said...

i hope you are still resting! the boys start school next week, and i would be honored if you would let me come and help you. cleaning, cooking...whatever....please let me know.

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