Well Lady Bug has finally arrived!
I am kind of out of it still so I am not sure how clear this blog post will be but I will try and explain what happened.
I went to my weekly Massage that morning and took Bug to McDonalds to have lunch while Daddy was getting his massage after me. I had been having a lot of lower pain during the day and finding it very hard to walk around. When I got home after the massage I went to lay down for a little bit. I woke up at about 3:20pm and went to the bathroom and then thought I would go a head and lie down some more, and climbed back into bed. About 2 minutes later I had a lot of pain in my bottom area (probably to much info, but I had been feeling like I needed to go #2 all day long but nothing was happening when I got on the toilet) so I just thought it was gas, but then I heard a dull pop sound and then WATER everywhere. I couldn't stop it!
I kind of freaked out! Called out for Bryan and he came running into the room and said yes, my water had broken. He called my friend Rebecca to see if she could take Bug for us, and she said yes. Loaded up the car; all the while I was having some heavy contractions, and trying to calm down. I was really scared. I did not think my water would break at home. He helped me change into some of his sweats and a new t-shirt and got me loaded in the car. I told him that I wanted him to take me straight to the hospital and then he could take Bug to Rebecca's home.
We got to the hospital and up to Labor and Delivery, and changed into a gown. The nurse was great helping me through each contraction.
Unfortunately, Lady Bug had been pooping in he amniotic fluid and this is very concerning. I guess she must have been under some distress at some point in the past week, which would cause her to do this. They were concerned that if I delivered vaginally that Lady Bug could breath in some of that Micomin and get sick from it.
The nurse checked to see what was going on with my cervix, and I was only 2 cm and my cervix had not dropped. I guess it was at a level +3, and when you are ready to deliver you are at a -5 with a dilation of 10 cm.
They got me on an IV and then went a head and started the epidural. I was glad, because the contractions were 2 minutes apart and HARD to me. Once the Epi took affect I was Happy once again, and then it was determined that the contractions were not productive, and they were going to have to start me on pitosin to help get them pushing Lady Bug down. So when that started I began feeling them again, and I was checked by the nurse and in the 6 hours I had been there I went from a 2 cm dilation to a 10 cm dilation. But I was at a +3 level Cervix... she was not dropping. I started to do some pushing, and after an hour of doing that I began to throw up. And I was in so much pain. The epidural was not working at all. I told the nurse I was done. And the Dr. On call started the paper work for a C-section.
I was wheeled into and prepped for the surgery and given a block that went all the way up to my hands.
Bryan came in shortly after I was all ready to go, and the surgery began. It was very interesting to be laying there and feel them tugging, but not any pain.
Lady Bug was born at 1:47am on August23rd. She weighted 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and is 19 inches long.
Here are some pictures.
And it looks like the offical winner of my contest is Renee' P! Congrats. I will get your free movie tickets to you as soon as possible. Thanks to everyone who played. It helped to pass the time while I was waiting for her to arrive.
19 jittering comments:
OH YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait for details!!!!
CONGRATS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet...I be a happy Grammy! *smiles*
This is so neat for you Brenda! I am so happy for you! I wish I was in Spokane to take pictures of lady bug!!!
Yea! congrats!
She looks adorable.
Wow- I've never had my water break. So exciting for you. heehee.
Glad all went well and hope you are recovering and enjoying your little one.
Yay!!!! From what I can see in the pics she's sooooo cute. Can't wait to see you guys today! Congrats Mommy and Daddy!
Congratulations to you guys. I really thought that you might go a day early, oh well. I'm just glad everything went well with everyone involved. How are you doing? I have two of those myselves. Trust me, if you have another one, the next is not as hard. You don't have to worry about all the labor first then the stress of a c-section. You just make a date and have a baby. I am so happy for you.
Yeah!!! Congratulations!!!
CONGRATULATIONS BRENDA!!!! I am so happy for you. Sorry the birth experience was not so good- but you would probably agree with me that it was worth it for the end result. Your little lady bug (Ember, right?) is soooo beautiful!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! i was thinking happy thoughts for you all day! can't wait to meet her!
Oh she's an Angel! I loved loved holding her today. I could hold her all day, if I didn't have a toddler to take care of.
Love you!
Yea, I WON!
Congratulations! I can't wait for more pictures. C-sections are crappy, so I hope you get lots of rest! I don't think you're putting her name on the blog, but can you email me when you get a chance? My pick a right date was so close!
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! What a blessing.
Awww! Congrats! Sorry you ended up with a c-section after all of that! She's sooo pretty :)And look at you- online posting right away!! :)
Rest up and enjoy that little one!
Good work Brenda =) I hope you and baby are both doing well. She looks so sweet. Congratulations to you both!
The 23rd is my brother's birthday too, so good choice ladybug!
congrats on your arrival. Let the games begin. I hope you are doing good and have plenty of help especially with having a c-section. Proud parents!!! How wonderful
I am so sorry you had so much trouble.I have been out of it and sorry I didn't check on you sooner.
My water broke on the throne too. I screamed and my sis came running. i wet her new couch and our new car seats( velvet) i was in labor 23 hrs. with Rian and he was under much stress so I had a section. Yes the tugging feels so crazy and when they come out it is weird.
I think it is best you had a section since the water wasn't clean.I have heard of babies not making it when they take that in their system. God knows best!
She is so pretty Brenda and she is a chunky thing. Maybe she and Keller can date someday hehe=)
Im so happy for you.
Congrats! I can't wait to meet her!
Congratulations Brenda! What a stressful delivery. I'm glad your little miss is here happy and healthy! I wish you a very quick recovery. I know how long a c-section recovery can be...and I didn't have a toddler to take care of with that! Hopefully you have loads of help...sorry I'm so late at getting around to this...but congrats! :)
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