Sunday, June 27, 2010

*eclipse of beads*

Me trying to get some reading in of my book "eclipse" before I meet up with my friends on Wednesday to see the movie.  Not sure if that will happen.  Running out of time. 
I am ok with seeing the movie before finishing the book.
Ladybug just could not let me read my book in peace.  She needs to be the center of my attention most of the time.  Here she is sitting infront of me playing with her new beads she got at the store.
 (yes I bought them to bribe her to stay in the shopping cart while I was
 buying the elastic and pillow stuffing from the post here
 Actually - She was not crying anymore by the time I got the beads for her. 
So I figured it was ok to get them for her,
since she was bing such a *BIG* girl sitting in the cart.)

All pretty with her Beads.

And now she wanted to make Mommy All Pretty too! 
 It kind of hurt actually. 
 The pain we indure for our kids and to look pretty.

And when I want a *cute* smile picture of us together, NOPE won't happen. *LOL*  All well.

1 jittering comments:

Nessa said...

Love the pics! Just hope she doesnt learn to early what those beads are reallly for lol. Goodluck with the book! im still on the second one haha. I want to go see the movie but my partner will be away that day . xoxo

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